9 months

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When Ethan hit 9 months he was crawling all over the place Jake and Anna made sure everything was baby proofed so he couldn't get into anything. Ethan's new favorite thing to do was to hang on to the couch or coffee table and pull himself up. 

Anna plays peek- a- boo with him all the time he loves it makes him giggle. While Anna was playing with Ethan in the family room Jake was at the store the doorbell went off.

Anna: I wonder who that is Ethan lets go see I said as I picked him up and walked to the door.

Anna opened the door and saw Britt standing there.

Anna: Hey I didn't know you were coming over, come in.

Britt: Jake didn't tell you I was coming?

Anna: Jake went to the store.

Britt: Oh then I came too early.

Anna: What's going on why did he ask you to come?

Just as Britt was about to answer Jake walked through the door with bags in his hand. 

Jake: Hey babe I got everything that was on the list.

Anna: That's great but can I talk to you in the kitchen for a minute Britt will you take Ethan in the family room, please.

Britt: Sure come here buddy lets go play. I said as I took Ethan to play with his toys.

Anna and Jake went into the kitchen.

Anna: Britt told me you asked her to come over what's up.

Jake: Sorry about that I have a surprise for you I meant to talk to you about it then I went to the store.

Anna: What are you talking about?

Jake: I planned a romantic night out for us and I got Britt to watch Ethan for us. We haven't been on a date night in a long time so I wanted to surprise you with one.

Anna: That's really sweet babe, but it's been a long week I just wanted us to relax.

Jake: We are going to relax I booked us a room at a hotel for us to just unwind.

Anna: Wait, a night away we can't do that what about our son?  

Jake: Britt said she would watch him for us. 

Anna: Just give me a minute, let me talk to Britt I said as I left the kitchen and walked into the family room where Britt and Ethan were playing.

Britt: Hey everything ok?

Anna: Yeah, are you sure you want to stay the night with Ethan I had no idea that Jake planned any of this I can tell him no.

Britt: Hey you guys go and have a great time I love spending time with my godson.

Anna: You've never had him overnight before are you sure about this?

Britt: We will be fine I promise I'll call if I need anything.

Anna: Ok I'm sorry I'm nervous this is the first time I'm leaving him since we brought him home.

Britt: I'll take great care of him a promise.

Anna: I know you will ok I better go tell Jake we are going.

Jake: Everything ok?

Anna: Yep I'm all yours tonight let's go.

Jake: Really?

Anna: Before I change my mind let's pack and go.

Jake and Anna got ready when they came down they said goodbye to Britt and Ethan Anna took a little longer to leave.

Anna: You be a good boy for Auntie Britt okay buddy I love you so much I'll see you in the morning I said as I kissed his head and handed him back to Britt. 

Jake: Babe he's going to be fine I said as I backed out of the driveway.

Anna and Jake had a great night away. While they were gone Britt had a great time with Ethan she played with him and sang to him and made him laugh. Britt got him ready for bed gave him a bottle and put him down for the night. 

The next morning Britt woke up and checked on Ethan he was just lying there in is crib babbling away to himself.

Britt: Good morning Ethan are you ready to get up?

Ethan just looked at Britt and smiled she picked him up and brought him to the change table and got him ready for the day she took him downstairs and gave him some of his baby cereal. Britt made herself some coffee and something to eat. Once breakfast was over she took Ethan into the family room so he could play with his toys.

At around 10 Britt heard the front door open Anna and Jake walked in and Anna went straight to the family room. She walked in and saw Britt playing with Ethan.

Anna: You look like you are having fun.

Britt: We are having a great time aren't we buddy I said as I picked him up.

Anna: How was he for you was he good?

Britt: He was great.

Anna: Thank you so much for watching him it was nice to get out I didn't realize how much we needed it.

Britt: I'm happy to watch him anytime. I wish I could stay longer and hang out but I have some stuff I have to get done.

Anna: Ok well maybe later on in the week we can get together?

Britt: Sounds good just shoot me a text. Bye, buddy, I'll see you later I gave Anna a hug and said goodbye to Jake. 

After Britt left they went back in the room to play with Ethan.

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