Back to School

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A week after going camping the boys were going back to school. Anna couldn't believe the boys were starting 2nd and 3rd grade. It felt like just yesterday Ethan was starting Kindergarten. Anna went to wake up the boys while Jake made them breakfast.

Anna: Ethan, it's time to wake up.

Ethan: Five more minutes, mommy.

Anna: I'm going to wake your brother I'll be back.

Anna walked out of Ethan's room and went to Noah's when she walked in, Noah, was already awake and getting dressed.

Anna: Hey buddy, good job waking up by yourself, are you ready to go?

Noah: Almost can you get my shirt it's too high?

Anna: Sure.

Anna walked over to the closet and grabbed Noah's shirt, she handed it to him and helped him put it on.

Anna helped him make his bed and made sure he had everything in his backpack. Anna walked back into Ethan's room; he had just finished tying his shoes.

Ethan: I'm already for school mommy.

Anna: Great; go to the bathroom, I'll do your hair.

Anna finished the boy's hair then told them to go downstairs and have breakfast.

Jake just finished putting breakfast on the table when the boys came downstairs. Anna helped Jake finish their lunches, making sure Ethan had green grapes in his lunch, and Noah had apple slices in his.

Anna put the lunchboxes in their backpacks and grabbed their signs to hold up for pictures. Once Anna took their pictures, she kissed them and told them to have fun. Jake kissed Anna goodbye, then drove the boys to school.

Anna cleaned up the kitchen then sent the photos off to Britt. Britt responded with how cute they are and how she can't believe how grown up they are. Anna started the laundry, then cleaned the floors.

Jake, arrived 15 minutes later he walked through the door and handed a cup of coffee to Anna.

Anna: Thanks.

Jake: Anything for you. Do you need any help?

Anna: Yeah, can you help me move the furniture so I can clean under it.

Jake: Sure.

Anna and Jake spent a good part of the morning cleaning the house. When the laundry was finished, Jake helped Anna fold it then put it away for her.

When it was time to pick up the boys, Anna went with Jake this time. They arrived at school and waited for the boys. The bell rang, and all the kids ran out.

Anna: Hey, guys, how was your first day of school?

Ethan: So, much fun.

Jake: That's; great, how was your day, Noah?

Noah: It was ok.

Anna: Just ok.

Noah: Can we go home now, mommy.

Anna: Yep, let's go.

They got in the car and drove home. When they got their Anna asked if they had any homework? They both said no then went outside to play in the backyard.

Jake: What do you think is going on with Noah?

Anna: I don't know, but he was quite the whole way home.

Jake: Something must have happened today.

Anna: We'll talk to him after dinner.

The boys played in the backyard while Anna and Jake made dinner. Noah came into the house and asked Anna if could facetime with his Auntie Britt.

Anna: Why do you want to talk to Auntie Britt?

Noah: She always makes me smile.

Anna: Do you want to talk about what happened today?

Noah: Only with Auntie Britt.

Anna: Ok, I'll call her.

Anna grabbed her phone and facetimed Britt she answered right away.

Britt: Hey, Anna, what's up?

Anna: Hey, Noah wanted to talk to you.

Britt: Sure put him on.

Anna handed the phone to Noah, and he went into the backyard. He came back in after a while and handed the phone to Anna. He ran back outside to play.

Britt was still on the phone, so Anna talked to her for a bit.

Anna: Is everything ok?

Britt: He asked me not to say anything, but I feel I should.

Anna: What's going on?

Britt: He's being picked on.

Anna: It's the first day of school why does this keep happening to him.

Britt: I don't know, but he is really upset.

Anna: Ok, thanks for telling me we will talk to him.

After dinner, Anna and Jake sat down with Noah; he finally told them what was going on. They told him that everything would be ok that they would talk to the teacher.

The boys went upstairs to get ready for bed while Anna and Jake sat in the family room and talked.

Anna: Maybe he can switch classes?

Jake: Maybe or maybe he should stay, and we can work this problem out.

Anna: If he is being picked on, then we should take him away from the bully.

Jake: I think he should stand up to him not hide from him.

Anna: He is only in the 2nd grade. I think we should wait and see what the school says tomorrow.

Jake: Ok, we will wait.

Jake and Anna One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now