One Year

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Anna was packing to head to Atlanta to start rehearsals for Pitch Perfect 3 Jake and Ethan would meet her in a few days.

Anna: Are you sure you don't want me to take him tomorrow?

Jake: It's fine we will be there a couple days after you. I want you to go get settled hang with the girls.

Anna: I can't believe he is going to be a year old.

Jake: I know time is flying by time to start thinking about having another one.

Anna: Another one?

Jake: Yeah?

Anna: He's not even a year old yet.

Jake: He will be in a week.

Anna: We can talk about another one okay right now I have to finish packing everything.

Jake: Do you need help?

Anna: Yeah that would be great let me check on Ethan first, then we can continue.

Anna left the room and went to Ethan's he was sound asleep in his crib as she stood there looking at him she couldn't help but think about having another baby, but she was scared that the same thing would happen like it did with Ethan.

Anna went back to her room and grabbed a suitcase while Jake grabbed the other they started packing everything up. 

Jake: What do you want to do for his birthday party?

Anna: I guess we will just have to celebrate in Atlanta with the girls. I wish we were able to have it here and have our family be a part of it.

Jake: Me too good thing we can face-time our family to include them and we can post pictures on Instagram.

Anna: Yeah it's not the same but it is something. Plus the girls are going to show him so much love he's going to have a great birthday.

Jake: That's true.

Anna: There are going to be times where we have birthdays here and others will have to be wherever we are filming but we will always find a way to make it work.

Jake: You're right I'm sorry I just pictured his first birthday with a lot of our family around.

Anna: So did I maybe his second birthday will be filled with family I said as I continued to pack.

They got both suitcases packed and Jake brought them to the front door they sat down to watch a movie together then got ready for bed she had to catch her flight in the morning. 

The next morning Anna woke up first so she could get ready to leave her ride would be here soon. 

Anna: Hey babe I have to leave soon I said as I touched his shoulder.

Jake: Mmm okay I'm getting up.

Anna: No you don't have to go back to sleep its fine.

Jake: Are you sure I was going to help you load the bags in the car?

Anna: No it's fine, stay in bed I just wanted to say goodbye and give you a kiss I'll see you guys in a few days.

Jake: Bye baby I love you I'll see you in a few days text me when you get there.

Anna: I will, okay I'm going to go say goodbye to my other baby then I'm off.

Jake: Sounds good.

Anna got up from the bed then went to Ethan's room when she walked in she saw he was still sleeping she wanted to say goodbye but didn't want to wake him up. She rubbed his back and kissed his head and told him she loved him and she would see him soon.

Anna left the room and went downstairs to wait for her ride when it showed up she grabbed her purse and keys and left the house the driver helped put her bags in the trunk she got in and took off for the airport texting the girls on the way there.

When she arrived in Atlanta she met up with the girl's everyone was sitting around talking when Anna realized she hadn't texted Jake yet.

Anna: Oh I forgot to text Jake.

Britt: I think it's sweet that he worries about you so much.

Anna: It is sweet but sometimes I think he worries too much.

Chrissie: It's just because he loves you so much. 

Anna sent a text to Jake saying "hey babe, I'm here so you don't have to worry". Jake responded with I was just about to call when I didn't hear from you. Anna typed back with everything is fine I'm just hanging with the girls. 

Hailee: So how is Ethan doing?

Anna: He is great I can't believe he is going to be one next week. Jake and I were talking about his birthday last night and because we are celebrating here and not at home with family we were hoping all of you would help us celebrate with him?

Everyone: We would love to help celebrate you know how much we love him.

Kelley: So are you thinking you guys will have more kids?

Anna: Funny you ask that Jake said last night now that Ethan is one we should think of having another one.

Anna C: What did you say to that?

Anna: I told him I would think about it.

Britt: Do you not want more kids?

Anna: I do I'm just afraid.

Shelley: Of what?

Anna: That what happened with Ethan will happen again. I mean I had him at 30 weeks I almost lost him I don't know if I could go through that again. 

Britt: Well I guess you would just have to ask your doctor what the odds of that happening are.

Anna: Yeah I guess I could do that then make the decision.

The girls continued to talk about babies and their schedule for the week and learning the music and dance moves for the movie then they split up and went to where they were staying. Anna went back to her place so she could facetime her husband and see her son.   

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