Do You Think I Can Come Home

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It had been a few months since Jake and Anna had taken the boys out everyone was getting along really well so Jake thought that now might be a good time to bring up moving back in.

Anna was enjoying having Jake back in her and the boy's life she hadn't given any thought about Jake moving back until Britt brought it up one night while they were having dinner together.

Britt: How are things with Jake?

Anna: Things are great everyone is getting along family nights have been great for the boys.

Britt: When do you think Jake will move back in?

Anna: I haven't thought about it we are just taking things day by day.

Britt: Do you want him to move back in?

Anna: Part of me does, and then another part is happy how things are.

Britt: Are you afraid if he comes back, then things will change?

Anna: I guess I am.

Britt: I think you guys should talk about this he may be thinking the same thing as you.

Anna: You're right, I should talk to him. I should get going I promised I would be home to tuck in the boys.

Britt: Alright, kiss them for me.

Anna: I will thank you for dinner.

Anna got up and left the restaurant When she got home she tucked the boys in then went downstairs to watch tv for a while. She couldn't stop thinking about her conversation with Britt.Anna was brought out of her trance when she heard her phone go off she picked it up and saw it was from Jake.

Anna: Hey, everything ok?

Jake: Yeah everything is fine; I was just wondering if I could come over tomorrow and cook you dinner I have some things I want to talk about with you.

Anna: Yeah, that sounds good. What time?

Jake: I was thinking around 7 o'clock if that works for you.

Anna: I'll see you tomorrow.

Anna hung up the phone and smiled tomorrow she was going to have a conversation with Jake about him coming back home. She watched tv for a few more hours before going to bed.

The next night Anna was getting ready Britt volunteered to take the boys for the night so Anna and Jake could talk alone. Anna left the door unlocked so Jake could just come in and start cooking.

Jake was putting the finishing touches on dinner when Anna came downstairs.

Jake: Perfect timing dinner is ready.

Jake putt the plates on the table, grabbed the salad and some glasses. Anna joined Jake at the table. Jake served Anna some pasta and salad while she poured water in their glasses.

Jake: Feel free to have a glass of wine.

Anna: I'm fine with water.

Jake: Ok, just know that you can drink around me, it won't set me off.

Anna: I know I just feel like having water.

Jake: Ok.

Anna: So what did you want to talk about?

Jake: Well I was thinking things are going great with us and I was wondering if maybe we could take it further and I could maybe move back home if you're ok with it.

Jake: You don't have to answer right now. I love you, and the boys and I would love for us to be a family again. I promise that I will not let you down again I'll continue to go to AA, and Anger management, just give it some thought ok.

Anna: I don't have to think about it. I would love for you to come back home.

Anna got up from her chair and walked over to Jake, she leaned down and kissed him, he, pulled her onto his lap and they continued to hug and kiss.

Jake, pulled away and looked at Anna, she had tears running down her face, Jake wiped them away.

Jake: What's wrong?

Anna: Nothing these are happy tears I just never thought we would be us again.

Jake: I know I'm sorry it took so long.

Anna: It doesn't matter your here now.

Jake: Before I move back in, I need to talk to Ethan and apologize for what I said and did.

Anna: Wait here, I have something for you.

Anna went to her room and picked up the ring on the dresser she went back downstairs and took Jake's left hand, she slid the ring onto his ring finger and kissed him.

Jake smiled and looked at his hand.

Jake: I will never take this ring off again.

Anna: I'll never let you.

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