Looking Back

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It was finally the weekend Anna was finally going through all of the pictures she had not put in an album.

The boys were busy playing, and Jake was cutting the grass in the backyard.

Ethan: What are you doing mommy?

Anna: I'm just sorting through some pictures.

Ethan: Why?

Anna: I'm going to put them in an album so we can go back and look at them.

Ethan: Do you have any pictures of me?

Anna: I have a whole album of you.

Ethan: Really?

Anna: Yep, would you like to see.

Ethan: Ok.

Anna grabbed the album and sat next to Ethan on the couch. She opened the book to the first page; It was Ethan in the hospital covered in tubes and wires.

Anna: This is the first picture your dad took of you in the hospital.

Ethan: What's all that stuff, mommy?

Anna: You were born early, so all that stuff was to help you get better.

Ethan: Were you scared that day, mommy?

Anna: I was, but everything turned out fine.


Everything moved so fast Anna went into the OR Jake put on scrubs and joined her. Britt was waiting for an update, in the waiting room, back in the OR; It didn't take long for Dr. Smith to deliver the baby. On January 12, 2016, baby Gyllenhaal was born.

Dr. Smith: It's a boy.

Anna: Is he ok, why isn't he crying?

Jake walked over to his son and saw a team of doctors and nurses working on him. They told him he was having trouble breathing and that they were going to take him to the NICU. Next thing Jake saw was his son being placed in an incubator and rushed off. He walked back over to Anna and sat next to her again.

Anna: Did you see him, is he ok? Where is he?

Jake: They are taking him to the NICU, he's having trouble breathing.

End of Flashback.

Ethan: How long were you in the hospital?

Anna: I was there for a couple of days, then I got to go home.

Ethan: Did I come with you?

Anna: No, you had to stay for a while, but we came and saw you every day.

Ethan: Were you sad that I had to stay?

Anna: Of course I was, but I knew you had to stay to get better so you could come home.

Ethan: Did Auntie Britt see me in the hospital?

Anna: Of course she saw you before I did.

Ethan: Is that why we are so close?

Anna: I think so she loved you before you were born.

Ethan: Can I see more pictures.

Anna: Sure.

Anna and Ethan sat together and looked at pictures for a little while before he went back to playing with Noah.

Anna closed the album and just sat there thinking about that day and how far they had come since then.

Jake came in from cutting the grass and saw Anna just sitting on the couch. He sat next to her and called her name a few times before she answered him.

Anna: Sorry, what were you saying.

Jake: I was just asking if you were ok.

Anna: Yeah, I'm fine; I was just looking at photos with Ethan and thinking about the day he was born.

Jake: Did he ask you a bunch of questions?

Anna: Yep, but I answered all of them.

Jake: Is he ok?

Anna: Yep, we looked at some more pictures, then he ran off to play. I'm sure he will come and talk to us if he is not ok.

Jake: Ok, let's make lunch.

Jake and Anna starting making lunch for the boys when lunch was ready, everyone sat at the table.

After lunch, Jake went to fix some of the deck boards while Anna was cleaning the house. Ethan went outside to watch his dad.

Jake: Hey, buddy, do you want to help?

Ethan: No thanks. Can I ask you a question?

Jake: Always, what's up.

Ethan: When I was born, were you scared?

Jake: Why do you ask.

Ethan: When I asked mommy, she said she was scared, but she knew everything would be ok.

Jake: Your mommy was so brave that day. I was a little scared, but I had to be strong for your mom.

Ethan: Did you know I would be ok.

Jake: When I saw you for the first time, I knew you were a fighter and that you would come home with us.

Ethan: Ok, daddy.

Ethan ran off, and Jake went back to fixing the deck.

Later that night, Anna and Jake; we're sitting in bed talking when Jake looked at Anna and said.

Jake: Ethan asked me something today.

Anna: What did he ask?

Jake: He asked if I was scared the day he was born.

Anna: What did you tell him.

Jake: The truth that I was a little scared, but I had to be strong for you, and I knew when I saw him that he was a fighter and would come home with us.

Anna: We knew one day we would have to answer these questions.

Jake: Yep, and I guess today was the day. Let's get some sleep; it's been a long day.

Anna kissed Jake, turned off her bedside lamp, and snuggled into the covers.

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