Gender Reveal

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Today was the day of the gender reveal Britt had told all the guests to wear either pink or blue as their vote Anna was deciding what colour she should wear. While Anna was standing in her closet her phone went off she answered it was Jake.

Anna: Hey babe how are you?

Jake: I'm good how are you?

Anna: I'm trying to decide what colour to wear I'm thinking it's going to be another boy but then I think maybe not what colour are you wearing right now?

Jake: I'm wearing a blue shirt it's what my character is wearing.

Anna: I can't wait to see you In a few weeks it sucks we have to face-time you in to see the gender reveal.

Jake: I know babe but it will be ok I didn't want to make you wait so this is the best we can do we can celebrate when I come back.

Anna: I know I just wish you were here. Which colour should I wear blue or pink?

Jake: Go with what you think the baby is what is your gut telling you?

Anna: Boy for sure I feel the same as I did with Ethan.

Jake: I'm thinking boy as well I would love a girl I just don't think it will happen for us.

Anna: Alright team boy it is I love you so much Britt is going to be here soon with everything and I still have to get Ethan ready.

Jake: Alright I'll see you later when we face-time I love you.

Britt arrived with some of the girls and everyone started setting up half the table was blue and the other half was pink there were pink and blue streamers the box filled with the balloons was all taped up half the box decorated in blue the other in pink.

The party started everyone was having a great time family and friends were talking everyone came wearing pink and blue Anna's brother showed up in blue her mom was also wearing blue some of the girls wore pink. Jake's parents wore pink so did his sister.

When it was time to reveal what was in the box Anna stood by the box waiting to open it.

Anna: Britt can you grab the phone so I can Face-time Jake?

Britt: Yep but before I do that I have a surprise for you so close your eyes and I need everyone to be really quite ok.

Anna: Ok I said as I closed my eyes.

Britt walked out of the room then returned with Jake everyone in the room smiled and stayed really quite Jake walked up behind Anna and wrapped his arms around her waist Jake whispered in her ear. 

Jake: Hey baby I missed you so much.

Anna: I opened my eyes and turned around and hugged Jake and kissed him. I missed you to what are you doing here I thought you were coming back in two weeks?

Jake: We wrapped early and I couldn't miss this god you look amazing I can't believe how much you have grown since I left I said as I put my hands on her stomach.

Anna: I know I'm getting big I laughed as I put my hands on his.

Jake: Are you ready to open the box?

Anna: Yep let's do this I said as Jake and I stood at the box ready to open it.

Anna and Jake ripped opened the box and out came a bunch of blue balloons everyone cheered and celebrated Jake picked Ethan up and said you're going to have a little brother. 

Anna: I had a feeling it was a boy.

Jake: Are you happy?

Anna: I am, so much I love all my boys Ethan is going to be a great big brother. I gave Jake a kiss and then kissed Ethan.

Anna went over to talk to the girls. 

Britt: Another boy are you ready?

Anna: Yep I'm ready what was your reaction when you saw the gender? 

Britt: I was right that was my guess before I saw it.

Anna: I had a feeling it was a boy just because I felt the same with Ethan.

Hailee: I'm so glad I wore blue today.

Kelley: I can't believe I was wrong I thought for sure it was a girl. I was even going to change last minute but I thought nope don't change. 

Anna: I'm sorry you were wrong I had trouble deciding this morning as well, then I talked to Jake and he was wearing blue so I went with him.

After the party finished everyone left to give Jake and Anna time alone Anna's mom and brother went to have dinner together.

Anna and Jake sat on the couch while Ethan played on the floor with his toys.

Anna: I still can't believe your here I said as I rested my head on his chest.

Jake: I'm so glad to be home I missed you and my boys so much. Have you been thinking about names while I was gone?

Anna: A little I laughed as I sat up I have a name I really like but I want us both to pick his name you let me pick Ethan's name.

Jake: Well what's the name?

Anna: Noah Michael.

Jake: I love it.

Anna: Really?

Jake: Yeah, it's perfect Ethan and Noah. Now that we have a name I can talk to him and use his name.

Jake leaned down and started talking to Noah, Anna just sat there and ran her fingers through his hair while he talked she was so glad to finally have him home with her.

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