They Grow Up Fast

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Big time jump Ethan is 4 and Noah is 3.

Anna couldn't believe that Ethan was starting his first day of school tomorrow. Anna had just finished folding laundry when the boys came running in the house covered in mud.

Anna: "Stop," I said as they came running into the room.

Ethan: We found mud mommy.

Anna: I see that baby.

Jake: Ethan, Noah I said wait. I'm sorry babe I told them to wait.

Anna: It's ok where did they find mud.

Jake: They're boys they always find mud somewhere.

Anna: Ok upstairs time for a bath both boys ran upstairs.

Jake: I'll go I said I gave her a kiss then went upstairs with the boys.

Anna was doing dishes when Jake came down.

Jake: Both boys are clean they are playing upstairs.

Anna: Thank you I said as I went back to the dishes. School starts tomorrow while you're out getting groceries I need you to get Ethan's haircut.

Jake: Alright how short do you want it.

Anna: Short enough so we can put a little gel to spike it.

Jake: Sounds good are you going out today?

Anna: I'm going to get Noah new shoes because he has grown out of the ones he has and we are stopping by to see Britt because he missed out last time.

Jake: Alright anything specific from the store?

Anna: Yes make sure you get grapes Ethan loves them, and they will be good for lunch. Also more juice boxes. 

Jake: Sounds good anything else.

Anna: Everything is on the list.

Jake: Alright, I'll go get Ethan and we will head out I'll bring Noah down as well.

Anna: Thanks. 

The boys came downstairs followed by Jake Ethan ran to the door to put his shoes on Jake followed him and put his shoes on they left the house. Anna helped Noah put his shoes on Anna grabbed her keys and purse then took Noah's hand and left the house.

Anna and Noah arrived home first Britt had texted Anna while they were out saying she would stop by their house later on because she had to go out. Noah ran into the family room to play with his toys Anna followed him. Anna placed the bags on the couch. 

10 minutes later the door opened and Ethan ran into the house.

Ethan: Look at my hair mommy it's short and spiky.

Anna: It looks great buddy. 

Jake: Babe can you help me I said has I brought the groceries in the house. 

Anna: Yep coming I said as I walked to the door.

Anna and Jake stated putting the groceries away while the boys were playing in the next room. 

Jake: Did you find shoes for Noah?

Anna: I did I got him two pairs I found new clothes for Ethan and school supplies.

Jake: How was the visit with Britt was Noah happy to see her?

Anna: She is coming over in a little while she was busy earlier so both boys will get to see her.

Jake: That's great. They didn't have the juice they normally drink so we are trying a new flavour.

Anna: That's fine. Did you remember the grapes?

Jake: Yep they are in one of the bags. What should we have for dinner?

Anna:  I was thinking we could just order pizza something simple.

Jake: Sounds good.

Ethan: Mommy did you get my backpack?

Anna: I did buddy it's in the bag on the couch. 

Ethan ran out of the room to find his new backpack.

Jake: I thought you got all of his school stuff last week?

Anna: I had to order it because they didn't have the bag he wanted so the order came in the other day so I picked everything up today.

Jake: Oh what else did you get today?

Anna: New clothes, shoes, school supplies everything he will need, it's all on the couch if you want to look.

Jake: I'm sure he will show me everything he's really excited to start. How do you feel?

Anna: I'm fine I said has I put more groceries away.

Jake walked over to her and wrapped his arms around her waist she leaned against his chest he kissed her cheek then turned her around so he could look at her.

Anna: Ok I'm nervous and a little sad that he won't be home all day with me anymore.

Jake: That's normal babe, but everything will be fine he is going to have so much fun meeting new kids making friends plus you still have Noah home with you.

Anna: I know that this will be good for him and I know I still have Noah I'm just being crazy.

Jake: You are not crazy you're just sad that your little boys are growing up. I miss the baby stage we can always have another one.

Anna: We already said we would stop at two do you really want to go back to sleepless nights and me being pregnant I drove you crazy with the hormones.

Jake: I loved when you were pregnant and you didn't drive me crazy I know it was just your hormones. Maybe now is the time to have more the boys are older we have one in school Noah goes next year.

Anna: You're serious about this you want more. 

Jake: Maybe this time we will get a girl.

Anna: If we do this and get another boy are you going to want to keep going?

Jake: I promise this will be the last one and if it's a boy then we will have three awesome boys.

Anna: Ok let's do it let's have another baby.

Jake: Really I don't want to pressure you I know I want this but if you don't that's fine we can stop.

Anna: I have something I need to tell you.

Jake: What's up.

Anna: I've known this for a while now but I was scared to tell you I'm pregnant.

Jake: What how long have you known?

Anna: I've known for a month I was just scared because we talked about stopping at two.

Jake: Babe you should have told me how hard was it to keep this a secret.

Anna: Really hard I wanted to tell you right away.

Jake: I am so happy I said as I gave her a kiss. Who else knows I asked as I pulled away a little.

Anna: Britt I told her she was with me when I took the test.

Jake: So only Britt knows.

Anna: Yep and now you know.     

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