Noah Turn's 1

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Noah's first birthday was is in a couple day's Anna and Jake couldn't believe how fast he was growing it seemed like just yesterday that they brought him home from the hospital. Anna was upstairs getting the boys ready for bed and Jake was finishing cleaning up the kitchen before he went up to help Anna.

Jake was on his way upstairs when Anna yelled for him.

Anna: Hey babe can you grab towels I forgot them.

Jake: Yep I said as I walked into the bathroom to help get the boys out of the tub.

Jake picked up Ethan while Anna took Noah the dried them off and got them dressed. They all cuddled together on Anna and Jake's bed so that Jake could read them a bedtime story. Once the story was over they picked the boys up and brought them to their rooms.

Jake took Noah to his room and Anna took Ethan to his room they said goodnight then switched rooms to say goodnight once both boys were in bed Jake and Anna went back to theirs to go over things for Noah's party.

Anna: I ordered the cake my parents will be here on the day of the party.

Jake: Sounds good my parents will be here as well are the girls coming? 

Anna: Yes most of them confirmed my brother said he can make it he might be a little late but he will be here.

Jake: I'm really glad we are having the party here.

Anna: Me too.

Jake: Did you decide on a theme?

Anna: Yes animals because he's really been into them lately.

Jake: Ok I will go out and pick up plates and cups with animals on them.

Anna: I will get the balloons. Britt said she has decorations covered Hailee is helping her with that.

Jake: Great one less thing we have to do.

Anna: Chrissie said she can help us set everything up.

Jake: Prefect your friends are the best.

Anna: I know. Did you pick up his gift?

Jake: Yes I did the Baby Einstein Activity Table is in the back of my car I'll set it up tomorrow did you take Ethan to pick something out yet?

Anna: I did he picked out a plush monkey for his little brother it's really soft Noah will love it. I also found some animal bath toys.

Jake: Did you pick up his clothes yet?

Anna: That will be tomorrows trip I have Hailee watching the boys so we can go out and get everything we need for Saturday.

Jake: Perfect we should get some sleep we have a busy day tomorrow.

Anna: We should I said as I put the list away I got into bed with Jake and cuddled up to him. Can you believe our baby is turning 1?

Jake: No I feel like it was just yesterday we were bringing him home. Now he's crawling and pulling himself up.

Anna: He tries to take steps I noticed the other day Ethan walked away and Noah was trying to follow him.

Jake: I'm glad Ethan loves him so much I forgot to tell you this the other day you were at the store I was busy in the kitchen and Noah was playing in the family room Ethan was watching his show Noah noticed I left the room so he started to freak out Ethan got off the couch stopped watching his show and went over and gave Noah a hug and started to play with him. 

Anna: Really Ethan never stops watching his show he freaks out when I turn it off to feed him lunch.

Jake: Well he stopped watching to comfort his little brother.

Anna: We have such a sweet little boy. 

Jake: We do.

Saturday arrived it was time to have a party Anna and the girls were setting everything up Jake was picking up Anna's parents Ethan went with Jake Noah was taking a nap so he would be happy at his party. The house looked amazing Britt found cutouts of animals and there were balloons and streamers. Jake found plates and cups with animals on them. 

Hailee was setting up the table wear the gifts would go.

Anna: Hailee that looks amazing thanks for helping out.

Hailee: Anytime I love those boys.

Anna: They love you Ethan couldn't stop talking about you after you watched him the other day.

Hailee: He's so sweet I was about to say something else when I heard the door open Ethan ran in and ran right to me to give me a hug.

Jake: Hailee this looks great thanks for helping.

Hailee: No problem anything for you guys.

Jake: Hey babe where is Noah?

Anna: He is sleeping we want him in a good mood for the party.

Jake: Right do you need help with anything.

Anna: Nope we have everything under control I'm going to say hi to my parents.

Jake: Sounds good mine should be here soon.

Later on in the day, the party was underway things were going well they opened gifts Noah got lots of new toys to play with and new clothes to wear when it was time for the cake they took off Noah's shirt and put him in his high chair and helped him blow out the candle. Noah loved the cake he stuck his face right in he had icing all over him.

Anna: Is that good cake buddy I said as I looked at my son all covered in cake.

Noah just stuck his hand out and offered some to his mom Anna took it from him and smiled.

Ethan: Mommy can I have cake?

Anna: Sure sweetie daddy will get you a piece ok.

Ethan: Yay I said as I ran off to get the cake.

Anna's parents had to leave before the party finished because they had some other things that they had to do but they wanted to be here for the party they wanted to see their grandson's only if it was for a short time. When the party finished everyone left so the family of four could be alone.

They put the boys down then cleaned up the house.

Jake: That was a great party.

Anna: It was everyone had a great time.

Jake: He has so many new toys to play with hey where is the monkey Ethan gave him?

Anna: In bed, with him, he wouldn't put it down.

Jake just smiled and went back to cleaning up they finished cleaning locked the doors turned out the lights and went upstairs to bed.   

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