Not Now

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Anna and Jake were cuddled up on the couch watching a movie. Anna moved away from Jake and held her stomach.

Jake: Babe, are you ok?

Anna: I have this sharp pain.

Jake: Is it the baby kicking?

Anna: No I don't think so just give me a minute maybe it will go away I said breathing through the pain.

Jake and Anna sat there for a while the pain kept coming, Anna wasn't sure what was going on.

Anna: Jake I think something is wrong, take me to the hospital.

Jake: Okay I said as I stood up and helped her up, should we call anyone?

Anna: Not yet let's see what is going on first.

When they got to the hospital they admitted Anna. She was sitting in the hospital bed in her room waiting for the doctor to come. When Dr. Smith walked in he said hello.

Dr. Smith: Alright Anna let's see what is going on. He checked her out and turned out she was in labor.

Anna: That can't be right I'm only 30-weeks.

Dr. Smith: I'm sorry Anna we are going to give you some medication to see if we can stop the contractions.

Jake: What if you can't stop them?

Dr. Smith: We are going to do everything we can to stop them but if we can't then you'll have to deliver early.

Anna: What will that mean for the baby will the baby be ok?

Dr. Smith: I'm going to do everything I can to make sure you're both ok.

Dr. Smith said he would be back to check on her later and left the room while the nurse set up the medication to give her.

Anna and Jake sat there in silence for a while. Anna just sat there running her hand over her stomach.

Anna: I'm really scared Jake how can this be happening it's so early.

Jake: Babe it's going to be ok.

Anna: We don't know that Jake I'm supposed to protect this baby this is my fault. I looked at Jake and started to cry.

Jake: Hey, no don't say that this is not your fault.

Anna: Then why is this happening?

Jake: I don't know babe.

Jake tried to comfort Anna as best as he could but everything he tried failed he needed help he stepped into the hallway and made a call.

Britt: Jake, it's late are you okay?

Jake: Sorry I know it's late we are at the hospital?

Britt: Is everything ok?

Jake: No Anna went into labor early?

Britt: Is she going to be ok what about the baby?

Jake: They have her on medication to try and stop the contractions so far it's working but if it stops they will have to deliver the baby.

Britt: Aww Jake I'm so sorry is there anything I can do?

Jake: Can you come to the hospital and see her, I'm trying my best to comfort her but everything I do isn't working.

Britt: Yeah, ok I will be there soon.

Jake hung up the phone and walked back into the room. When he walked in Anna had fallen asleep so he just sat by her bedside holding her hand. Jake got up to get some coffee while he was out he ran into Britt.

Britt: Hey how is she doing?

Jake: Okay I think, she is sleeping right now you can go in I'm going to be out here for a minute. 

Britt walked up to the door and saw Anna through the window asleep with her hand on her stomach IV in her hand. She opened the door and sat next to Anna. When Anna woke up she looked over and saw Britt sitting there.

Anna: Hey.

Britt: Hey.

Anna: What are you doing here?

Britt: Jake called me how are you doing?

Anna: I'm really scared Britt It's too soon. I'm only 30-weeks.

Britt: Hey you have to stay positive okay.

Anna: I'm trying I really am, where is Jake?

Britt: He's getting some coffee. I think he is just trying to process everything you being in here the baby just this whole situation.

Anna: Is that why he called you?

Britt: I think he called me because he is scared and he doesn't want you to know he is.

Anna: Britt why is this happening to me did I do something wrong is this my fault?

Britt: No this is not your fault this just happens no one knows why. You did nothing wrong so don't blame yourself.

Anna didn't say anything after that Britt looked up at her and saw she was in pain she hit the button for the nurse. 

Anna: Britt help.

Britt: Hang on Anna it's ok just breathe.

The nurse came in and saw that the contractions had started again she paged Dr. Smith and he came back into the room. Britt left to get Jake once they were back in the room the Doctor said what he hoped he wouldn't have to say.

Dr. Smith: I'm sorry Anna but the contractions have started again and the baby's heart rate has dropped so we have to do a c-section so we can get the baby out fast.

Anna: Will the baby be okay?

Dr. Smith: We are going to do everything we can.

Jake: It's okay, babe I'm right here with you I'm not going anywhere.

Dr. Smith: Alright we have to go.

Everything moved so fast Anna went into the OR Jake put on scrubs and joined her. Britt was waiting for an update in the waiting room. Back in the OR, It didn't take long for Dr. Smith to deliver the baby. On January 12, 2016 baby Gyllenhaal was born.

Dr. Smith: It's a boy I said as a handed him off to the nurse.

Jake: You were right the whole time babe.

Anna: Is he ok why isn't he crying.

Jake: I'll go see what is happening.

Jake walked over to his son and saw a team of doctors and nurses working on him. They told him he was having trouble breathing and that they were going to take him to the NICU. Next thing Jake saw was his son being placed in an incubator and rushed off. He walked back over to Anna and sat next to her again.

Anna: Did you see him is he ok? Where is he?

Jake: They are taking him to the NICU he's having trouble breathing.

To be Continued...... 

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