Home To You

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Jake wrapped his movie two weeks earlier then he thought he would. He decided he would surprise his family instead of calling them. He grabbed the first flight he could. When he arrived home it was late.

Anna was up watching tv and having a glass of wine the boys were in bed, so she was enjoying her alone time. Anna was right in the middle of her show when she heard a noise she got off the couch and started walking down the hall.

It was dark when Jake opened the door, so he thought everyone was asleep he opened the door and put his bags on the floor.

Anna: Hello who's there?

Anna continued walking down the hall she saw a dark figure open the door and was ready to call the police when a light came on she saw it was Jake.

Anna: You scared me, I almost called the police.

Jake: Im sorry babe it was dark, I thought, everyone was asleep. I've missed you so much.

Anna: I missed you too.

Anna and Jake stood in the hall hugging and kissing before they moved further into the house.

Jake: I'm so glad I'm home.

Anna: I'm glad you're home to I didn't recognize you at first with the hair, and beard.

Jake: Yeah first thing tomorrow I'm getting a haircut, and I'm shaving.

Anna: How was the shoot?

Jake: Long I'm sorry I was gone how are you how are the boys?

Anna: I'm fine the boys are great they are going to be so happy to see you.

Jake: How's Ethan?

Anna: Great he's all healed up the cast came off a few weeks ago.

Jake: I'm so sorry I wasn't here for him and you.

Anna: I had everything under control plus Britt was a big help as well.

Jake: Still I'm really sorry I wasn't around.

Anna: You're here now so let's just move forward ok?

Jake: Ok. 

Anna: Let's go to bed, it's late.

Jake: You go ahead, I'll be up soon.

Anna: Ok.

Once Anna had gone upstairs Jake grabbed a few beers from the fridge he sat on the couch and drank in the dim lit room.

The next morning, while everyone was still sleeping Jake got up, went for his run then came back and started making breakfast. Anna and the boys slept until 9 when they woke up all they could smell was bacon and eggs.

Ethan: Mommy is Auntie Britt making us breakfast?

Anna: I'm not sure why don't you guys go down and check.

Anna followed the boys down the stairs Noah was the first one to notice someone in the kitchen.

Noah: Daddy?

Jake: Hey buddy I've missed you.

Noah: You're back are you staying?

Jake: Of course I'm staying go sit down breakfast is getting cold.

Anna: Ethan aren't you going to say hi to your dad.

Ethan: Hi.

Anna: Ethan?

Jake: Babe it's fine we will talk later breakfast is getting cold, let's eat okay?

Anna: Ok.

After breakfast, Jake left to go get his hair cut, Noah had a playdate with one of his friends so Anna took the time to have a talk with Ethan.

Anna: Hey buddy is everything ok?

Ethan: Yep.

Anna: Why were you being rude to your dad this morning?

Ethan didn't say anything just looked at the ground instead.

Anna: Ethan I asked you a question.

Ethan: He left us he made you sad he didn't come home when I got hurt he stopped calling us.

Ethan ran off before Anna had the chance to say anything. Anna was just about to follow after Ethan when Jake came through the door.

Anna: Hey.

Jake: Hey so what do you think?

Anna: Much better that's the guy I married you look great.

Jake: Thank's I feel much better with just stubble no more beard. Hey, where is Ethan?

Anna: Upstairs I was having a talk with him while you were gone he ran off he's upset.

Jake: It's because of me right?

Anna: I wish I could say no, but yes he's angry because you left and stopped calling and didn't come home when he got hurt. 

Jake: I'll go talk to him.

Anna: Let him cool down for a minute okay I'll talk to him.

Jake: I'll do it he's angry with me I have to fix this not you.

Jake and Anna One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now