Report Cards

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A week later the boys got their first report card Ethan gave his to Anna right away, Noah left, his in his backpack.

Ethan: Look, mommy, I got good grades.

Anna: I see that buddy, good job. Noah, can I see your report card?

Noah: Ok, but don't be mad.

Noah; went to his backpack and pulled out his report card he gave it to his mom.

Anna looked at the report card and saw a note from his teacher she wanted Jake and Anna to come in for a parent-teacher conference.

Anna noticed that Noah got a C in reading, and a C in writing he got a B in math and his other grades weren't bad.

Ethan's report card was filled with A's and B's he was doing well. While the boys were playing upstairs, Anna and Jake took the time to talk about the report cards.

Jake: Ethan seems to be doing well.

Anna: He is I'm worried about Noah, and the teacher is too, otherwise she would not have sent a letter home asking to see us.

Jake: Babe, relax, it's probably not that bad.

Anna: Have you seen his grades?

Jake: Yeah, he got an A in gym and a B in math.

Anna: I'm talking about reading and writing.

Jake: It's fine; he can catch up.

Anna: Can you please take this seriously.

Jake: Ok, I'm sorry we will talk to the teacher and see what she says.

Anna: Thank you.

A few days later they met with the teacher she told them that Noah's reading was not where it should be, she gave Anna some extra reading assignments to practice with Noah. The teacher also told Anna and Jake that Noah needed to work on his writing.

The teacher was honest with them and told them that because it was the beginning of the year they didn't need to worry, if it had been the end then there would be talk about keeping him back.

Anna and Jake took everything in on the drive home.

Anna: We are going to have to work together on this. I can't be the only one working with him.

Jake: I know I will work with him as well.

When the boys came home, Anna and Jake sat down with Noah and told him that he would have to do some extra work.

Noah: I don't want to do extra work Ethan doesn't.

Anna: This is going to help you.

Noah: I don't want to.

Noah got off his chair and ran upstairs to his room.

Anna followed him, when she walked into his room Noah was sitting on his bed she could see that he was upset.

Anna: Hey, buddy, what's wrong?

Noah: I don't want to do extra work I want to play like Ethan.

Anna: I know you do, but we have to work on your reading and writing so we can get your grade's up.

While Anna was talking with Noah, Jake was sitting at the table with Ethan.

Jake: Hey, buddy, would you help me out with something?

Ethan: Sure, daddy.

Jake: Noah has to do some extra work to help with his reading and writing, would you be willing to sit here with him while he does his extra work?

Ethan: I can do that, daddy.

Jake: Thank's you're such a good big brother.

Anna and Noah came downstairs and went back to the table; Ethan sat beside his brother and helped him write. Anna and Jake went to start dinner.

Anna: Why is Ethan sitting at the table and not playing video games?

Jake: I asked him if he would sit with Noah.

Anna: Jake, just because Noah has to do extra work doesn't mean Ethan has to sit with him.

Jake: He's being a good big brother, look at them they work well together.

Anna: I guess, but I'm not going to make Ethan sit with him every day.

Jake: I didn't say he had to sit with him every day, If he asks to I'm not going to say no.

Anna: If he wants to fine but, I'm not going to force him.

Jake: Deal.

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