Date Night

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It had been a few months since Noah had been home they were adjusting well Ethan loved his little brother whenever Noah cried, Ethan would run to him. He loved to hold him and kiss him Anna and Jake couldn't believe how sweet Ethan was with him.

Jake and Anna were going on a date for the first time in a while they asked Britt if she could watch the boys she said she would love to. Jake was in the family room with the boys waiting for Anna to get ready and for Britt to come over. Britt knocked on the door twice then just walked in Jake stood up and met her halfway.

Jake: Hey Britt thanks for doing this.

Britt: No problem you guys deserve a night out.

Jake: We do it took a while for me to get Anna to agree to it.

Anna came downstairs 5 minutes later.

Anna: Okay I'm ready to go I said.

Britt: You guys have a good time.

Anna: Ethan can you give mommy a kiss, Ethan ran over and gave me a kiss then one to Jake you be a good boy for Auntie Britt okay. 

Ethan: Ok.

Anna walked over to the chair where Noah was she gave him a kiss.

Anna: Bye baby mommy loves you. Okay, let's go before I change my mind. I have my phone if you need anything call me ok.

Britt: Anna we will be fine, go have fun with your husband. 

Anna and Jake had a nice dinner together it was weird not having the boys with them, they talked about what they were going to do when they had upcoming projects, they agreed they wouldn't work at the same time. Anna and Jake also agreed that they would go with each other while the boys were still little but as the boys got older and started school and activities then they wouldn't break their routine.  

Jake: Are you having a good time?

Anna: I'm having a great time.

Jake: Me too but I do miss the boys.

Anna: I miss them too but Britt has everything under control.

Jake: You're right, let's get dessert.

Anna and Jake enjoyed the rest of their night before going home. When they got home Ethan was asleep on the family room couch and Noah was sound asleep on Britt who also had her eyes shut. Anna touched her shoulder and Britt opened her eyes.

Britt: Hey sorry I didn't mean to fall asleep.

Anna: It's fine don't worry how was your night?

Britt: Great we played read books then I put a movie on for Ethan and he fell asleep about 20 minutes in. Noah hardly cried only when he was hungry.

Anna: I'm glad they were both good for you.

Jake: I'm going to put Ethan to bed I said as I picked him up and took him upstairs as I passed Anna she kissed his head then she said she would be up soon. 

Britt: How was your night I said as I stood up with Noah in my arms.

Anna: It was great It was nice having dinner alone not worrying about chasing after a toddler or having a crying baby but I did miss them.

Britt: You're such a softie.

Anna: I know it's weird I was never like this until I had the boys having kids changes you. It's a good change though.

Britt: Well I hope one day I get to experience it.

Anna: You will.

Britt: I should get going I gave Noah a kiss and passed him to Anna we walked to the front door gave each other a hug and said goodbye.

Anna walked into the family room turned off the tv then made her way upstairs once she was in her room she put Noah in his bassinet then climbed into bed with her husband.

Anna: I had a great time tonight thank you for making me go.

Jake: You're welcome we need to do this once in a while.

Anna: Your right we get a break a chance to recharge I think we should do it once a month.

Jake: That sounds like a great idea. 

They gave each other a kiss said goodnight they were about to turn out the lights when Jake got up from the bed.

Anna: Where are you going?

Jake: Just going to check on Ethan make sure I remembered to put his giraffe in the crib with him.  

Anna: I think I saw it on the couch.

Jake: I'll check.

Jake left the room and came back 5 minutes later and climbed into bed.

Jake: You were right it was on the couch.

Anna: Do you think Noah will have a favorite stuffed animal like Ethan with his giraffe?

Jake: Maybe we will have to wait and see. Do you think as they get older they will look more like you?

Anna: I don't think so they are all you and I love it.

Jake: I feel bad that they don't look like you.

Anna: Well Noah is still changing so maybe he will look like me but if he doesn't that's ok.

Jake: Do you think you want more kids one day?

Anna: I'm happy with the two we have why do you want more?

Jake: I'm really happy with two as well.

They smiled at each other, kissed each other said goodnight turned out the lights and went to sleep.

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