Chapter 8: confessions

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Being confused is a really thing that makes me miserable. Not knowing what my life plan is can be the most frustrating thing that ever happened to me. I am currently stuck between whether to get over Adam fully, or give him another chance and go for it. The other day we were all having a girls chitchat and I explained to the everything that happened with Adam and i's cycle. My eyes never left Nathalie's, I watched everything she's doing I don't know why. But at the end she told that she's happy for me and that I should give Adam another shot. A part of me felt relieved, maybe I was scared that Nathalie might have feelings for him I don't know, but I really felt relieved.

It was  December the 12th, the last day of school term, and the day of the confession.

Adam and I spent the whole night talking and talking until I felt asleep when he was typing something that I really wasn't focused on because of how tired I was, so as a routine I put my phone on airplane mode and shut it down and went to sleep, not knowing that the bomb was right there exploding.

December 13th: 11am

Malika: lana where the hell are you you've got to open your whats app right now. COME ONNN.


Malika: you know what you are losing the time of your life because of sleep?

Louis: lana I called you six time, don't tell me you are still sleeping.

Louis: gosh lana I've been trying to reach for you some yesterday.

Nathalie: lana I know you're sleeping but please you've got to see Adams message, I called you 15 times and taissa called you like hundred times.

Nathalie: look I know how much sleeping is a priority for you over anything BUT PLEASE OPEN THE DAMN THING.

Taissa: you shithead need to stop turning your phone on fucking airplane mode because what kind of a fucking habit is that, like seriously you need to do something about it because every damn time we want to reach you, your phone is on fucking airplane mode.

Taissa: I will buy you a plenty of Pepsi in the world if you opened your whats app now L.

Adam: lana I've been meaning to tell you this for a while now,so I hope it goes as I planned it the right way. Lana Becker, I like you, a lot actually. I like every single thing of you. I love the way your eyes look at something you like, you look at it for a long time to digest its beauty and here I am looking at you doing the same thing. I love the way your eyes glow when you see a pepsi can because I know how much you love pepsi more than anyone on fucking earth. I love the way you turn your beautiful long hair with your hands to the side. I love the sound of your laugh and how it rings in my ear every time you laugh. I love you're shy and how your cheeks turn red and have a small smile across your face. I love the way you support your friends and when each one of them is facing a problem they come to you first because your words are the most comforting thing. I love the way you dance at parties and how you sing your Lungs out till you can't hear your own voice. I know I hurt you before, but trust me I was an idiot for not seeing such a beautiful human being like you. So here I am trying to solve my mistake by asking you this. Lana Becker will you my girlfriend?

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