Chapter 31: hell to ovethinking

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"Lana you need to get up, you have school to attend did you forget or something?" Mom shouted. Can't she lower her voice a bit.

"Mom, I don't wanna go I got no important classes."

"You are just saying that because you don't want to wake up, I called Larsa your coordinator in your grade, she told me you got important things, get your ass up."

"That fucking bi-."

"Language young lady."

"I was going to say Barbie because she looks like her."

"Sure you do." She said while closing the door.

"Bitch." I whispered about larsa, couldn't she just close her mouth for a bit?

I got up with my lazy ass trying to make my way straight to wash my face and dress up to go to hell.

I was dressed on time, did my hair, ate breakfast and was ready to go to this shit.

"I am really not In the mood, I am so tired." Anna said to me.

"Same girl, I'm just so fed up with school like really."

"Lets go to the toilet for a bit."

And like always, as soon as we entered we saw the whole group there.

"Hello ladies." I said.

"Hey lou." They replied.

"It's 9 o'clock, let's get to classes." Hannah said to make everyone leave.

"Guys don't forget the sleepover okay?" Alexis reminded, me, Nat and Kylie.

We stepped outside the girls bathroom and we went outside.

"Hey girls." Louis said smiling.

"Hey Louis." We replied back.

"Louis really, I just woke up and my phone was still on the line with you." Nat smirked.

"Yeah I didn't close the line." He replied back.

It still made me anxious that he does the same things to me also, I just thought I was special, guess not.

"How are you lou." Louis whispered close to me, so close.

"I'm good." I said looking straight. I began to walk not really wanting to continue about the conversation and all, I just went off.

"Hey hey, are you okay babe?" Please don't babe me.

"Yeah I'm good."

"No you are not, what is wrong? Something happened." Louis asked eyes all focused on me, which made me very uncomfortable in the same time, very happy.

"No nothing Louis I'll go to class or whatever Shit we have."

"You won't skip class? You won't sit with me?"

"I don't think I want to skip class."

"What is up with you? Since when Lana didn't want to skip class, you barely enter any."

"Just not this time."

"I want to know what is up with you, why are you keeping it like you don't want me to know. Of course little Caleb knows everything."

"What has this ever do with Caleb?" And that's the problem, ever since Caleb and I became
Bestfriends louis immediately didn't like the idea, despite them being also bestfriends, he just didn't want us to make Caleb take Louis's place as he is the guy bestfriend for the whole group. I didn't tell Caleb about Louis and I, nor anyone because one I wasn't sure if we are something, two I don't know it yet.

"I don't know since the moment you two became best friends you may start to tell him things you never told me."

"Who told you that? Just because we are arguing doesn't mean you can drag Caleb into this. He got nothing to do with us, if there is even an us." Shit did I just say that?

"What?" Is this all you got?

"Okay louis I'm really not up with talking right now."

"No, hey." He turned me to face me. Currently we were alone now so I'm glad no one can hear us.

"Look Lana, it's all complicated I know that, but I really love you, you know that of course." Is it the love you we say everyday as best friends, or is it something else. We never know.

"I love you too, but you know how I overthink a lot."

"I know that babe, I remember when you were all angry when I was calling camila on the phone." Shit he reminded me.

"That bitch, well excuse me she was your ex after all."

"Not my ex we were just playing around." Am I like her? "But you are something else, I would never do that to you lana." And really that made me very comfortable.

We went to the secret place, played around and talked really deep.

"You know what?"  He spoke.

"What?" I whispered.

"It's odd how Adam was playing around and shit with you." Wait what?

"Playing around?"

"You really thought he was real lou? Seriously it's Adam we are talking about." I know Louis was just saying that and didn't mean anything, but after all it did hurt me. I wasn't into Adam or anything but the thought of him wasting my time and his on playing around really did hurt me.

"Ohh." I faced the ground.

"Yeah, I may just go to him and tell "oh hey do you remember the girl you used to date, yeah I have feelings for her now" should I?" And I really laughed hard after that, still my heart kept beating when he mentioned "I have feelings for her".

"Yeah you should actually." I laughed.

We laughed for a good one minute until we realized how close we were to each other, very. I was caught by his eyes, simple chocolate brown eyes but speaks a lot, tiny but as if you can see the whole world. They say brown eyes are not just brown eyes until you fall in love with it. I was really caught up in the moment when he planted a small kiss, all I did was smile. I really had no idea nor experience in anything like this, but all I did no, that I have feelings for him. I am falling really hard, but the question is, will he ever catch me?

After the kiss we went out separate ways and I kept my smile spread all over my face.

We were sitting in the secret place again, me, Nat, Alexis and Kylie.

"Guys tomorrow is the sleepover." Alexis reminded us for the millionth time.

"We got it stop repeating it." Kylie told her.

"What's app with that smile lou?" Alexis asked me.

"Louis and I kissed today." I said.

"Wha?" Kylie and Alexis said at the same time. Nat still not talking.

"Yeah it's just that—" I was interrupted by Nat.

"Alexis come I have to tell you something." Nathalie told Alexis. Okay what is up with her?

Nathalie began to whisper things to Alexis and suddenly Alexis eyes grew wild. Kylie and I looked at each other.

"Don't be assholes, what is going on?" Kylie spoke.  I don't understand anything.

"Nothing don't worry about it." Nathalie replied.

The day passed after that awkward moment and I really wasn't that curious to know, I was full up with the moment I had with Louis to think about anything else. 

Louis and I talked non stop, still he talking and throwing shade about Caleb and I, and I trying to convince him the opposite.

I was falling hardly for him, he was there in every single moment like he's protecting me from everything. But while he was protecting me from others, someone should've protected me from him.

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