Chapter 15: the replacement

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It was the day of Hailey's birthday, I really wasn't ready to answer any of their questions in the time being, but I went for hailey's sake after all.

We all gathered to go to a cute little restaurant. The first thing I saw when I entered the restaurant was Laila and Louis having a little deep conversation together, guess we got a new couple on the way.

Anna didn't come to the party as she was traveling with her family but Nathalie and some of the other girls were there too. Hannah, a girl in our group too, she's the type of girl who's too shy and got an over protective brother above her head. Hannah wasn't in our group before, but one time her brother called my sister and told her how he's sad that his little sister is starting to feel lonely so he asked if I could let Hannah join our group and from that time she became close to us, but not that close. She got a girl called char who's a new girl in our school and they became friends afterwards. Char actually is a cute person, very short and long hair. Still not very close to us.

I was greeted with a huge hug from Nathalie and a very excited little hailey that she's finally 17, and obviously a very touchy luke who cannot leave hailey.

At first it was a good gathering, all of us sitting and chatting about everything. It was a very cute move from luke, he got her a silver necklace and Hailey was just very happy about it, they went down stairs to have their own moment together, but we all know what they were doing, not a very smart move.

"So guys any new drama thing that happened lately." Nathalie questioned

"Nope not keeping up with north shire's drama yet" I said tiredly.

" looks like north shire got a new love birds." Laila squeaked. She was looking at me as if she wanted to tell me something, her eyes eyed me up and down as if she was waiting for me to cause an action. Nathalie sensed that too and kept on doing weird faces towards Laila. What the hell got to that girl, couldn't she just be a normal person for once, but we all know it's Laila we are talking about.

"Adam is now dating."

And she said the only thing that was far from my mind.

In just a second the whole table had turned to look at me. Okay now I caught everybody's attention, thanks guys. I can feel Nathalie's hand under the table as if she was telling me if I was okay, but am I really okay? Like gosh Adam we just broke up a week ago couldn't you just wait a bit.

"What guys he is free to do whatever he wants, after all I am the one who broke up with him."
And as if I was talking to my self and not to them, as if I was convincing myself that it's alright, wish I could believed what I said.

Still everybody's eyes was on me, as if they were waiting for me to blow up in tears but I won't, I think I was hurt. Yes I gave up on our relationship but so did he, that doesn't give him the right to go date after we just broke up. Please Tell me I meant something.

"Okay so I think Hailey and Luke just went god knows where so let's all call it a night, goodbye guys, let's go lana." Nathalie knows when to rescue me from awkward situations, I'll give her credits for that.

"Hey are you okay?" She asked as soon as we left.

"I don't know though." I really don't. " I thought I moved on too like our relationship really got to an end but seeing him go dating another one just made me feel like I wasn't anything to him, as if he was waiting for the break to happen so he can just go find a lanky her chick to play with."

"Listen there lana, he was a dick of a person we all knew that. At first he was cute and all but know I don't know, you were stronger than him to go tell him to end things when you saw that you two are not just right together anymore and everyone can give you credits for that, but he knew and just kept his mouth shut." "Don't make anyone underestimate you lana, he doesn't deserve you, really he can go find a whore to play with at least he can get the hell out of our lives for good."

"And who is this girl that he dated anyways."

"I don't know honestly lana but we can ask Louis later."

"Yeah obviously not infront of Laila, who knows what she can say afterwards."

"This bitch is crazy by the way, I always knew."

"We all know how much hate you have towards her Nathalie" I laughed at the moment.

"Well someday you'll see what I am talking about my friend."

"Let's just get the hell out of here."

Sitting in car staring at the window, I began to recall every memory I had with Adam, the good ones and the bad ones, everything. The moments where he just held my hand at school and how he circled his thumbs on my skin. How every time he greeted me with my favourite chocolate. How his jealousy can change his whole mood up side down. How every time he told me that we are going to be forever. And now I think forever is my new favourite lie.

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