Chapter 35: the bestfriend and the boyfriend.

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If only boys knew that a girls bathroom, is not just a normal bathroom.

We were having a girls talk, Kylie and I inside the bathroom waiting for Alexis and Nat to come.

"You are not alright, what's wrong with you girl?" She asked.

"What?" I smiled.

"You've been weird lately." Really? "Smiling a lot, always not paying attention, Hell you were excited when we go to school. Are you in love young lady?" I really haven't notice myself lately. I need to act on my expressions around people, then again why don't I just tell them?

"There is something I need to tell you." I guess it's time.

"I knew it!!" She screamed. "What is it?" She asked.

"Look I really wanted to tell you guys things, but i don't want to tell the rest, at least for now." For now that Louis and Nat are not really on good terms, I may not tell her that now.

"Okay woman, just fucking tell me."

"Louis and I kind of together now." I just said it.

"What? I mean WHAT???" She needs to work out on her voice, we are in a bathroom for God's sake.

"Lower your fucking voice, for real."

"Okay okay I am good now." Thank god. "Tell me every single detail now."

"It's complicated really, I don't know what are we. Like he always say about how he has feelings for me and all but he never says that I am his girlfriend or anything about dating."

"Tell him, just ask him what are you guys."

"It's not that easy ky. Maybe I am afraid of the answer or anything. I feel so happy when I am with him. I feel safe and not afraid at all. Most importantly, I feel loved ."

"Look Lana, as much as I am so fucking happy for you for being happy and loved, it's not healthy to not know what you guys are. In order to have a healthy relationship and everything you understand?"

"Yeah I do, I will talk to him don't worry." I smiled. Kylie was about to respond but she was cut off by Alexis and Nat getting inside the bathroom.

"I'm so looking forward to this sleepover, I'm so excited!" Alexis squeaked.

"Same you guys, haven't done that for such a long time." Alexis replied. And that was true, besides school, normal drama we really don't have that much time to talk and let it be girls only.

"Something wrong Nat?" I asked. She's really quiet these days, it's just not the normal her. However knew the real Nat, will know immediately that this, is not the normal her.

"Yeah I'm alright, I guess." That doesn't make it any better.

"Bullshit." Alexis replied.

"You better spill it up before we arrange a murder plan." I exclaimed.

"Point on someone, and see how I can rip their heads of." And Yeah, that's basically how we role, no one can mess with my bestfriends no matter what kind of shit happened.

"I really need to tell you guys something, it's very important and I don't think I can keep it up." That's not good.

"What happened, you are scaring me." Kylie said.

"Well you have to, it's serious this time." She answered. The three of us looked at each other not really answering Nat, we don't know what scale of seriousness she is talking about. We never prepared to it.

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