Chapter 22: welcome back A.

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Because the problem of being in a very big group, is keeping up with every birthday of every one of them. today's birthday belongs to Kylie.

We decided on having a day use in a hotel and then celebrate at night with all the people together.

As for school we finished the first term, and all I could say is that it's pretty exhausting, at least I get to switch classes in the end, I am just glad the term fucking ended.

Two months and I heard nothing about Adam not a bit of information from anyone, maybe that's for the best. As for harry we began to talk now and then but I didn't see him not once.

Currently we were all sitting by the pool as the sun greeted us with its heat.

"The sun is perfect for tanning today." I said to the girls.

"Yeah it is." Anna replied.

"You know what guys." Nat began.

"I really want to date, like don't laugh at me for real. I just want to feel important to someone, or the feeling of having someone by your side no matter what, someone who can be with you every day and night and not feel like you are too much on them. To talk to them about anything and everything all at once. Or the feeling you get when you see them and you just smile until it's hurts you. Even the jealousy, like you feel that they are worrying about losing you. I want that guys, I really do." We all went silent, we all wanted that Nat.

"Why dont you date Louis Nat?" Char asked.

"What the fuck are you even talking about char." "For me Louis is nothing but a bestfriend, sometimes I feel like he's Turning to someone I don't even know, plus he's already dating that bitch."

"We just don't have the kinda guys that we should date." Alexis said.

"It's true, we have to wait we got no choice." I said sadly.

"Lana, do you think that you and Adam will ever get back together?" Kylie asked.

"I don't know though." I said honestly.

"I don't want what happened to you happen again lou." Nat said.

"Nothing will happen, he's not even here for all that matters. Don't forget you guys that he's dating Kelly."

"Just because trash can be recycled doesn't mean your ex deserves another chance." Alexis said.

"Aahhahahahahh, that's really good of you Alexis." We all laughed.

"And you Nat, do you still like that boy?" Hannah asked.

5 years Ago Nat just had a crush on someone I think he's name is Chad , he was really a good looking boy with hazel eyes and dirty blond hair. I remember that he switched schools and from that moment Nat didn't hear from him anymore. It's a story like harry and I, the difference is that harry and I still talk a bit.

"I don't know, he was my first and I didn't even liked anyone after him." She said sadly. "I remember that it really did break my heart when he went to different school because I knew that I would never hear from him any time soon, he did like me too but we were too young at the moment. When I didn't see him everyday like I always did, I was heartbroken. I wasn't use to us not to talk everyday and not to see him every now and then. How did he even break my heart when we weren't even together in the first place." She stopped as if she didn't want to continue this conversation.

"Yeah I know how that feels, even if I didn't fall in love all my life. I really want to know how it feels to be in a relationship with someone, someone who can appreciate me at my worse, and still be with me through everything in life. Is that too much to fucking ask for." Alexis stated.

"Love is not too much Alexis, it's just hard to find, very hard." I continued.

"How do you know when you're in love?" Anna asked.

"Maybe when you get that hard feeling in your chest when you see them walking even if they didn't glance at you. Maybe the goosebumps you get when they are talking to you about something. Maybe it's the five seconds you take before texting them. Whether to text them or not. Maybe it's when you begin to ask your bestfriends what should you reply to him even if they are asking you a simple question. Maybe when you begin to change your attitude when he's around. Maybe when you start getting jealous when any girl comes near him even if they are just friends, when you begin To ask yourself "why is this girl even close to him?" Or when you caught yourself not paying attention in class because you're too concentrating on making up scenarios about the two of you. Maybe it's when you start to check his Zodiac sign and see if both of you can fit together or not. Maybe it's the smile that appears on your face when someone says something about him. Maybe when you begin to ask yourself if he's dating or crushing on the 100 girls that's on your mind. Or the happy feeling you get when you know that he's still single. The little things he does that makes you fall even more everyday and night. That's when you know you're fucked." I caught them all starting at me when I finished my speech, no one said anything.

"To you consider Adam your love?" Hannah asked.

"Honestly I don't know though." I replied.

We kept on swimming and tanning and then we all decided that we should get ready before all the people arrive.

"Guys are you ready luke and Louis are already here in the lobby." Hailey stated.

"I think we're all done here." Char replied.

The eight of us made our ways into the lobby before any of the People can kill us for being late.

"I think you're the one who has a problem with bad timings lana." Louis said as soon as he saw me.

"Hello to you too Louis." I smiled.

We were all sitting on the  fancy table that the hotel arranged us, and like any other gathering group A were seated on a side and us on the other side of the table.

The gathering was pretty good despite the division we faced, but overall I was pretty much having fun laughing with the guys and taking silly pictures and playing cards even though the place wasn't appropriate for it.

"What the actual fuck." Louis nearly shouted.

"What's going on here." Nat told him.

Louis was looking at his phone not blinking or anything just focusing on his phone as if he saw a ghost, until he decided to share the information he saw with us.

"Adam is coming back in town, for good."

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