Day 36 - 1

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To: Chaeyoung

Good Morning, Chaeng. 🌻
This feels like a new chapter of our life right? The day before yesterday felt like an ending of an old story that wasn't mine.

Honestly? I don't really know how to react if I see Taehyung again. Yesterday was my lucky day because I haven't seen even a glimpse of him which was I'm very thankful of. I even prayed to God of how grateful I am for not seeing him.

Although, I wonder if he feels the same right now. Is he also avoiding me after what he done?

Anyways, I don't really want to talk about what happened between us that night anymore, Chaeyoung-ah. I don't want you to worry about me.

Cause I'm fine, I'll be fine. 😊

Message Sent.

"Who are you texting again? I told you to stop texting someone if you're with me."
I rolled my eyes when I see Jungkook looking at my phone so I quickly turned it off.

"Seriously, It's none of your business."
I shifted my gaze to the window of his car as I busied myself to the moving surroundings.

Ever since yesterday, I asked Jungkook if we could ride the car every morning to school. I don't feel like using the train anymore. That place have memories. Memories that I don't want to remember.

"Who's Chaeyoung? Is she pretty?"
What? I lift my brow from what he said. This noob is a nutcrack don't tell me he's interested? Too bad step-bro, she's taken and dead.

"You know what? If only she's here? She's the perfect person that matches your ideal type."
He scoffed.

"As if. My crush is prettier than your Chaeyoung."
See? Told you he's bipolar.

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