Day 15 - 7L

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Lisa went to the bathroom to washed her face and maybe to also take a few deep breaths

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Lisa went to the bathroom to washed her face and maybe to also take a few deep breaths.

She wanted to run back and hug Taehyung but that would only caused more damage to him. What she had done to him is enough, and letting him go is one of the hardest part of her but it also gave Lisa a relief.

Yes, it hurts but that's because pain demands to be felt. It's a normal cycle of life. It is like 'death by a thousand needles' and you would still breath.

She heaved a deep one last breath before pulling the knob down and went straight to the pool area. Her friends are sometimes really stupid, they decided to held the party here outside when it's damn freezing cold. It's mid-december for goodness sake!

Luckily, her stepbrother is rich and they had this huge heater that keeping them warm. Someone also suggested bonfire earlier but Jeon insisted and said that 'My house? My rule.' That noob can be so selfishly arrogant.

Lisa roamed her gaze around but she didn't see the person she's looking for. All she sees are her friends who look stupidly drunk and wasted. Jennie, Mina, Nayeon, and Joy were dancing at the loud booming music, Seokjin is laughing at his own joke while telling it to Hoseok who's surprisingly quiet, while the other three, Namjoon, Yoongi and Jungkook are at the corner smoking cigarettes, Lisa don't even know they smoke.

She wonders if Jimin also smoke...

Lisa shake her thoughts and went back inside the mansion. She let herself wander around in every corner to kill time. It's only past 11 and she bet her friends are only starting to party real hard. She'll just go back out there after an hour or two.

Then, strangely Lisa found herself heading to the kitchen when she heard clacking sounds.

Her eyebrows rose up when she saw Jimin mixing something in a stencil bowl. Then he heated a non-sticky frying pan on the electric stove.

"What are you doing?"
She asked curious and walked closer to him so that she can take a good look on the food he's trying to cook.

He lift his empty gaze at her.
"Oh, you're here."

"I was looking for you.."


"Why not?"
Jimin didn't answer her after that. He put some butter on the pan and put the stove in low heat.

"Can we talk?"
Lisa watched him pour a small amount of pancake batter on the pan.

"We're talking, Lisa."

"Jimin, are you mad at me?"
He stopped for a moment but ignored her, he knows she is staring and he's scared that if ever he look at her? The wall he just build earlier will crash down in just a snap. He's that vulnerable around her.

"No, I'm not mad at you Lisa."


"What are you even doing here? Don't you think it is better if you are with Taehyung right now?"
Shit. Why did he spill that? His inner self curse him for having an impulsive mouth at this moment.


"Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that."
He finally look at her and Lisa gulped and blinked her eyes away from him. Double shit. He hurt her.

"It's okay."
She smiled sadly as her gaze stayed on the ground.

"Where is he anyway?"

"I don't know, I left him."
She slowly shrugged and look at his eyes and Jimin raised a perfect brow, confused.

"Why? You like him, Lisa.."
He stated the obvious.

"Yes, I like him. I've always like him. And I will forever like him.—"
Hearing that Lisa saw how Jimin stopped on what he's doing and the glint of sadness in his eyes became visible as he avoided looking back at her.

However, Lisa walked slowly to him as she reached for his hand.

"But I am not in love with him anymore..."
She smiled sadly, and put a hand on his cheek. He gently flinched at her touched causing the girl to back away a little bit.

"I-I'm sorry..."

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