Day 15 - 6L

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I remember when I first saw him

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I remember when I first saw him. It was mid of June. A bright sunny day but my day that time felt gloomy. Not until our eyes locked for a moment. He was helping his mom with the boxes. They were moving into our apartment.

I got lost in his gaze and forgot what I was feeling in a split of seconds. Then he smiled at me, that adorable boxy smile. I knew by then he's someone that I shouldn't get close to...

Stubborn girl. I warned myself since the beginning yet I let this happen to me now.

"Lisa! Please.."
I quickened my pace but Taehyung is faster than me so he easily caught me and wrapped his both arms around my body.

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry."
He buried his face on my shoulder and tightened his grasp on me. Later on, his shoulders began shaking and I felt a warm liquid descend on my left shoulder.

I started to tear up as well and I let him hugged me. I didn't move or push him away. I let him because this is the first time I saw him this broken. I rarely see him sporting his infamous boxy smile nowadays and I am well aware that I am the one who stole it away from him.

Like what he did to me. Luckily, Jimin replaces it with new ones.

"What do you still want Taehyung? Stop it already, you're being unfair. Not only with me but also with Jisoo eonnie and Jimin. Please don't do the same mistake that you did with Jennie."
When I find the strength to move, I tried to break away from his hold but Taehyung is far stronger than me. It was no used.

I bit my lower lip to stop the sobs that are trying to escape from my lips. Why can't I just let him go? Holding Kim Taehyung alone is damn excruciating but why do I keep melting in his warmth and expressive gaze?

"Sorry for not being real with my feelings from the beginning, Lisa."
Taehyung slowly let me go, and I had the chance to turned around and face him. I gasped upon seeing his wet cheeks and bloodshot eyes.

Slowly, I lift my shaking hands to put it on his cheeks. Hesitating a bit, wether it's the right thing to do or not, but I did it anyway.

I almost got lost with his troubled gaze. Then I flinched away from Taehyung when a certain pink haired guy flashed into my mind. He's frowning but later on, his lips slowly curved into a soft smile.

"Mistakes had their purpose, Tae."
The situation right now is meant to happen. Everything connects, I couldn't just wished that I had never met him. I couldn't just meddle with fate.

If I haven't met you, maybe I will never know Jimin this much. Maybe, I won't have Jennie, and the others as friends.

He had a confused look now, and I smiled at him sadly. I remember, all the hilarious stuffs that I did just to make him noticed me. I remember how Jimin had gathered all his patience to help me get him.

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