Day 34- 3L

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"So? How was your day sis?"Jungkook asked me in the middle of our walk to the convenience store outside the university

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"So? How was your day sis?"
Jungkook asked me in the middle of our walk to the convenience store outside the university. His driver is waiting there for us to arrive and also we want to buy some food before we go home.

"It sucks."
I yawned and stretch my strained arms.

"Why is that?"

"Boy problem."

"Ew. Get over with that coward."
His face scrunched in disgust. I laugh at him and avoided his arm when he was about to put it on my shoulders.

"Urgh, stop being so touchy first!"
I slapped his hands away from me and Jungkook chortled while ruffling my bangs.

Welcome to our daily dosé of 'How-To-Have-Fun' pills. Jungkook and I already got used to each other's playfulness that even though we've only known each other for a month, it already felt like forever.

"But seriously, you deserve someone better than that asshole who keep confusing you."
I almost 'aawwhh' at his words when I spotted someone familiar at the same ice cream parlor where I saw Taehyung and Jisoo kissed.

I tugged Jungkook's collar as we hide behind the bush. I squinted my eyes and carefully watched the familiar guy with an unknown girl.

"Who's that girl? Do you know her?"
I nudged Jungkook using my elbow and he hissed at me.

"Will you calm down? You were just talking about Taehyung earlier."

"What? I'm just curious."
I defended myself and he rolled his eyes at me, totally not biting my excuse.

"Oh, Lalisa. You are like the boy you love. Cannot choose between two persons aye?"
He teased me with a singing tone. I gave him a deadly glare before looking again at the familiar man who's eating ice cream with someone I don't know.

Are they a thing?

"Or maybe? The same thing about you and Taehyung is you both make the dumbest decision by choosing the wrong person instead of the right one huh?"
Can this guy beside me shut his mouth? I'm already annoyed and he keeps adding fuel to the fire.

"What are you talking about? Jimin is my friend. I'm only curious about that person he's with right now. I don't even know that girl! Do you think they're seeing each other behind our backs?"

"You mean, behind YOUR back?"
He scoffed at me. Oh my gosh, his sassiness is irritating me. I would like to give him a nice big slap on the face right now.

"Stop staring at me, sister. They are about to leave."
Jungkook pointed where they are and I quickly glance my way to them. Truth be told, they are now bidding goodbye to each other. I wonder if they will also kiss? Cause I'm now quite traumatized with that ice cream shop.

But the weirdest part is; my stomach suddenly drop. I don't even have the appetite to eat any more when I'm very hungry earlier.

Seriously, who is she?

The next thing I did, I took my phone out from my pocket and started snapping some pictures of them together.

"Wow. I didn't know you're a stalker now."

"Shut up."

"If you're that curious? Why not confront Jimin hyung right now? Go and ask him."
Jungkook is right, Lisa. Why not confront him? Jimin is not that kind of person who hides secrets from you... And if he's dating that girl? So what, Lisa? You two are only friends, don't make a big deal from it.

"You're scared?"
He caught my attention. I end up staring at my stepbrother's eyes.

I don't know. But it felt like it is.

"You're scared to lose him right? I mean, you already lose Taehyung and now you're seeing the same thing that happened a week ago in this exact place."
He's right. It scares me. No, more than that. It terrifies me. Petrified even.

"I can't afford to lose someone again. Especially, if it's Jimin."
I admit as I let out a deep sigh. Shifting my attention back to Jimin who's now waving his hand at the girl.

She's pretty. She has a gorgeous body and she doesn't look like Korean but she's really pretty, someone Jimin would probably like.

I really hate this day.

The girl waved back at him as they parted ways. I stared at Jimin and saw how his smile slowly fades on his face as he put his both hands inside his thick brown coat.

"You won't lose him."
Jungkook guaranteed. I glance at him and he is also watching Jimin leave.

"But if you ever did? Don't worry Lalisa, I'm still here."
Jungkook said it beautifully that it catches my whole attention so I look at him as he put a hand on my head and gave me those assuring smile.

For a moment he put some peace behind this chaotic mess that's happening inside my mind right now.

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