Day 08 - 5L

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The light-brown haired man scrunched his nose as he glared down at the cookie

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The light-brown haired man scrunched his nose as he glared down at the cookie. The apron he's wearing were covered with frosting and flour. The down-curve of his thin lips evidently tells that he doesn't like what he's seeing right now.

"It doesn't seem right. I think we should call Jungkook now."

The brunette on the other hand had a satisfied smile on her lips. Her eyes are twinkling with delight, and she felt proud of herself for making the gingerbread cookie all alone.

Yes, the frosting is a little bit disarray and the gingerbread man's body doesn't look like a body at all, instead it look like a fat man with little feet and arms but still the effort Taehyung and Lisa put through is all that matters.

She pulled Taehyung's collar when he's about to go out, stopping him from what he's planning to do.

"Jungkook doesn't need to know about this. It's perfect! Now, I'll just wrapped them up."
She clapped her hands and look so proud with the cookie she made.

"Without even tasting?! What if that's not edible to eat?!"
Taehyung pointed accusingly at the hideous gingerbread with his eyes doubling its size.

The girl quickly smacked his hand and shoot daggers at the latter with her gaze.

"Yah!!! You're exaggerating stuffs!"
She rolled her eyes and take the small box as she neatly put the gingerbread cookies in it. Taehyung watched her every move and noticed how the girl put every effort she have when she wanted to do something.

She likely to pushed her limits without expecting in return. She was happy just by seeing the recipient's reaction.



"Thank you."
She shortly glance at Taehyung before continuing on what she's doing. Her face is now calm and a soft smile appeared on her unique features.

"For what?"

"For everything..."
She closed the box and started to put a ribbon to secure it.

"You showed me friendship the moment I thought I lose it. You were there when I thought everything was falling apart. You brought back my smile and encouraged me to do better..."
She halted for a second as she lift her head to look at him. Their eyes meet and Lisa took a cookie as she walk closer to him.

"I really appreciated those late night phone calls and midnight walks. We shared stories and secrets, the friendship between us was perfect."
Lisa was now in front of him. She held his hand and put the cookie on his palm.

"The only mistake that we did was, you didn't told me about Jisoo and I should've keep my feelings bottled up inside me. I should've control myself for liking you more than a friend."
She let go of his hand as she focused her gaze to the ground. Avoiding his intense stare as possible.

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