Day 11 - 3IG

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Liked by jennierubyjane, jhopeeexx, seulgibear and 100 otherslalalalisa_m: I wanna shower you ALL the LOVE that you deserve

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Liked by jennierubyjane, jhopeeexx, seulgibear and 100 others
lalalalisa_m: I wanna shower you ALL the LOVE that you deserve. Too bad, I would never have the chance to do that anymore, I'm sorry...
View all 19 comments
jhopeeexx It's okay, Lali. She would probably understands. After all, she loves you so much.

lalalalisa_m And I love her back 😌 @jhopeeexx

jennierubyjane Is everyone really okay? 😿 I'm worried.

lalalalisa_m Hey, don't worry Nini. I'm fine 💜 @jennierubyjane

jm.parkkk ... @lalalalisa_m

lalalalisa_m Yes? @jm.parkkk

rmjoon These posts making me all blue. Make it stop. 😢😔😞

august.d You being a real softie, terrifies me. @rmjoon

jhopeeexx Well, hyung is actually soft. 😆 I've seen it. 🤣 @august.d

jennierubyjane Alright, Lili. But if ever? I'm here okay? Love you. 🖤

rmjoon I'm out. @august.d @jhopeeexx

jm.parkkk ...

seulgibear damn it, just say what you want to say kid 🤦🏻‍♀️@jm.parkkk

jhopeeexx lol ^^

rmjoon ^^

august.d ^^

jennierubyjane ^^

lalalalisa_m ^^ @jm.parkkk

jm.parkkk 😒

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