Day 08 - 2IG

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Liked by august.d, lalalalisa_m, nayeonahh and 115 others
jennierubyjane: Guys wanna hangout after Christmas?! 🎄🎁🧣It's not too late ya'll to give me my presents! @august.d @joypark9396 @rmjoon @mr.seoksome @lalalalisa_m @nayeonahh @jm.parkkk @jeonjk @kim.tae30 @jhopeeexx @iam_mina @sooyaaa__
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jhopeeexx U should be the one giving presents! You're rich!

jennierubyjane @jhopeeexx U're freaking rich too, Hoe. U just don't want to gimme presents 😒

joypark9396 I don't want to be an excuse so that you can date your boyfriend after Christmas, Jen. 🙄

jennierubyjane @joypark9397 omg! Unnie! It's not like that 😱

iam_mina I'm in Japan rn 😭😭😭 I miss u guys!

nayeonahh where should we meet?

jennierubyjane @iam_mina too bad 😭 miss u 2! Let's just hangout after holidays unnie! @nayeonahh btch I knw u have also nothing to do after Christmas 😏

sooyaaa__ are you that bored?

jennierubyjane @sooyaaa__ YESSS!

rmjoon You can tell this in group-chat you know?

jennierubyjane @rmjoon Don't be a buzzkill oppa.

august.d I'll meet you even today, if u want?

jennierubyjane @august.d Aww really? 😍

mr.seoksome Now, I wanna report this photo. You just want to flirt with your boyfriend!

jennierubyjane @mr.seoksome YOU AND JOY UNNIE ARE SO BITTER! DATE ALREADY!

mr.seoksome @jennierubyjane tell that to her. 😎😏 she'll be so lucky to date worldwide handsome.

joypark9396 @mr.seoksome Worlwide what? You are so narcissistic.

mr.seoksome @joypark9396 oh u don't need to be jealous of my prettiness. You're next in line, love.

joypark9396 @mr.seoksome reply again and I'll block you for good.

jm.parkkk The dog carried the whole picture.

jennierubyjane @jm.parkkk I didn't tagged u to criticized my photo, oppa. 🤦🏻‍♀️

kim.tae30 Why the sudden invite, Jen? These guys might have plans after Christmas?

jennierubyjane @kim.tae30 Oh. Then... DO YOU GUYS HAVE PLANS AFTER CHRISTMAS?!!!! @august.d @joypark9396 @rmjoon @mr.seoksome @lalalalisa_m @nayeonahh @jm.parkkk @jeonjk @jhopeeexx @sooyaaa__

august.d @jennierubyjane meeting up with you?

joypark9396 @jennierubyjane None. My family cancelled our Singapore trip bcos of some business issues.

rmjoon @jennierubyjane planning to stay at home all day?

mr.seoksome @jennierubyjane planning to be more handsome than Christmas?

joypark9396 @mr.seoksome U r unbelievable.

mr.seoksome @joypark9396 I KNOW!!! 😎

lalalalisa_m @jennierubyjane Hanging out sounds good to me, Nini! 🤙🏻

nayeonahh @jennierubyjane You know I'm bored bff.

jhopeeexx @jennierubyjane is it free food?

sooyaaa__ @jennierubyjane Do I still need to comment?

jm.parkkk @jennierubyjane Tell me, why I'm being dragged again?

lalalalisa_m @jm.parkkk Come on oppa! Let's go 😊

jm.parkkk @lalalalisa_m Okay.

jennierubyjane @jm.parkkk Wow. That was fast.

jennierubyjane So? @kim.tae30 any plans after Christmas? 😏😏😏

kim.tae30 @jennierubyjane the perfect example of what Jennie wants, jennie gets.

jennierubyjane @kim.tae30 I know right? Bow to your queen.


jennierubyjane @jhopeeexx 🤦🏻‍♀️ I'll be sending the place and time on the group! @august.d @joypark9396 @rmjoon @mr.seoksome @lalalalisa_m @nayeonahh @jm.parkkk @jeonjk @sooyaaa__

rmjoon I already said this earlier, that it's more appropriate to tell this in the group chat.

jennierubyjane @rmjoon shut up.

jeon.jk Are you tagging us to gain more likes, old hag? 🤨

jennierubyjane @jeon.jk I swear Jeon. I'm so near of burying you alive.

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