Day 05 - 2IG

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Liked by jeon

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Liked by jeon.jk, jm.parkkk, kim.tae30 and 84 others
lalalalisa_m: 12/27 the day where my mom found her happy ending. #BlessedThursday #TheyJustGotMarried
jm.parkkk You look so beautiful in white.

kim.tae30 And from now till my very last breath this day I'll cherish

jeon.jk you look so beautiful in white tonight.

rmjoon @jm.parkkk @kim.tae30 @jeon.jk did u guys just sang westlife's beautiful in white?

kim.tae30 @rmjoon that's the song earlier right?

jeon.jk @rmjoon LSS

jm.parkkk @rmjoon it got stuck in my head

jhopeeexx *clears throat* whipped people 🐸🍵

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15 minutes ago


Liked by august

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Liked by august.d, jhopeeexx, nayeonahh and 70 others
jennierubyjane: This is definitely the wedding of the year! #12/27 OMG! ❤️ I also love my outfit. 😍 #OOTDGOALS
august.d U look so beautiful in white
rmjoon Oh come on. @august.d don't use the same tactic from the kids smh
jhopeeexx @august.d hyung u're so lame lmao 🤣🤣🤣
jennierubyjane @august.d Awh babe 🤗 I appreciated it.
august.d @rmjoon @jhopeeexx 😏
jhopeeexx *wig has been snatched* 😱

15 minutes ago



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