Day 07 - 3L

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( Continuation... )
ps. Yes, I know. He's gorgeous.
I can look at him all day.

I can look at him all day

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"Oh before I forgot. I really just came here to give you this."
Jimin shifted his body and he reached for something in his jeans pocket. I lazily sat up and look at him confusedly.

"I wasn't really planning to sleep here but, you were so cuddly."
He let out a giggle after his last words and I rolled my eyes before pinching his chubby cheeks.

"Another excuse, Park Jimin."
I teased him but he gently held my wrist as he put something on it which makes me gasped in surprised.

It's a charm bracelet.

"Jimin, this is beautiful."
I let go of his cheeks and caressed the silver gold bracelet he gave me. Although, I wasn't aware that Jimin has been staring at me all this time, he had that adoring smile on his face and when I look up, he sat up and started playing with my fingers.

"You like it?"
I nodded my head so eagerly and I nearly lost my control when he chuckled at me as he place my hand on his lips, kissing my knuckles while his gaze stays at me.

I didn't even know that I've been holding my breath.

"I love it. Thank you."
Being with Jimin is always comfortable. It felt like you are on the clouds, and all of your tended worries will evaporate like smoke every time you're with him.

He's like a breath of sunshine. A lighthouse amidst with the world's chaos.

But sometimes, in spite of the things he do... I tend to get insecure for he looked so peerless in my eyes and I often feel unworthy for his attention. But just like today, he always prove me the otherwise. Breaking the pessimistic side of my thoughts.

He put my palm on his left chest and I felt the beating of his heart, surprising me with that sudden move.

"You are doubtful, Lisa. Stop it and let yourself believe the obvious fact. Merry Christmas, baby."
Jimin expected my original reaction to him will be born of shock, but even me, I was quite baffled to myself when I smiled to him as I wrapped my arms around him once again.

"Merry Christmas, Jimin."
I whispered on his ear, and his hands slowly snake to my waist.

"God, you are so cuddly. I wanna keep you forever."
He chuckled and Jimin's warm breath tickled my neck. I buried my face on his shoulder and mummed the words that I replied to him. "I wanna keep you too."

He moved his head and look at my side.
"Did you say something?"

"Nothing, but aren't we gonna do anything other than sleep?"
I laughed and break away from him, that was when I realized that I am sitting on his lap without even realizing it sooner.

Jimin seem to don't mind at all as well, so with a thought of playfulness in my mind. I started to plot an evil plan.

His eyebrow raised and I tried my very best not to laugh at his reaction.

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