Day 22 - 2L

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Lisa turned around in a circle while waiting for a certain person that she only realized his worth lately

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Lisa turned around in a circle while waiting for a certain person that she only realized his worth lately...

Being friends again with the man who caused her too much pain made her realize who's been there with her from the start.

She also accepted the fact that the man of her dreams ain't the right man for her all along.

Lisa knew that 3 pm is his vacant period where he usually spends reading a book here in the library or eating ice cream outside the university but since it's winter she is sure he ain't have the appetite to eat cold treats. 

She takes a look at the canvas that she's holding and a shy smile shows up on her pink plump lips. Damn. Lisa felt collywobbles in her tummy all of a sudden.

Her ears perked at the familiar voice behind her.

Lisa turned around and there she saw the man who never left her mind for days already...

She said, almost breathless.

"Waiting for me?"

"Well, I promised don't I?"

The side of his lips lazily lifted up as he softly dragged her with him at the hidden corner of the library which is his favorite spot to sleep and read.

Jimin pulled out a book on the shelf before joining Lisa on the couch. The brunette fiddled the hem of her cream cardigan as a tint of colour red visible on her cheeks.

"I only got a B plus on this one but it's my favorite among all my works."
Jimin stared at her now flushed face as he tipped his head to the side and smiled at Lisa.

"I don't mind. I think you're a great artist, doll."
He shrugged and playfully winked at her which caused them both to softly laugh.

With a deep sighed and closed eyes Lisa showed the painting that she's been hiding at her back for almost half an hour now.

Jimin held it in his hands as he stared at her art piece. Lisa opens her one eye to peeked at his reaction and when she saw how his lips formed into a genuine smile she opened her eyes and gaped at him.

"My professor told me to find an inspiration so that I can paint my bottled emotions yet here I am! I just painted the wrong theme, which is crazy. Maybe that's why he only gave me a 'B plus' don't you think? Because I didn't listen to what he actually told me to do—"

He suddenly glanced up at her and without thinking it twice, Jimin took Lisa in his arms and held her close for a moment.

Her tongue tied as she couldn't even speak a word anymore. Lisa finds it very awkward at first but later on, she also became comfortable by it as her hands crawled its way around his torso, hugging him back.

"Can I have it?"


"The painting. Can I have it?"

"But it's my favorite."

Jimin chuckled and Lisa felt the vibration on his chest. He then planted a long warm kiss on her forehead.

"Okay, you can have it."
She hummed and felt her face heated from what she just said. Jimin on the other hand just tightened his embrace on her tiny body.

"So.. you did sketch me."

"Ah stop it, it's not even a face."
He lowly laughed as he pushed her gently so that he can stare at her face. Jimin put a hand on her cheek.

"It's beautiful."

"Really? Aren't you just saying that because you're the subject?"
He shook his head.

"You had it in you, Lisa. It's like you were born just to hold those paint brushes and colored pencils."
Jimin lightly brushed his thumb on her cheek and Lisa's chest started to ache.

How can someone's words be that powerful? She felt the contentment behind all of her lacking. She has been motivated behind her insecurities. And it's amazing how a person can cover up those negativity in that instant just by saying the right words in the right time and of course with the presence of that right person too.

This time, their proximity seemed too intimate.


"I want to kiss you."

Lisa leaned closer as she shifted her gaze from his eyes to his parted lips. They both wanted the same thing and so without furthermore ado, Jimin closed the gap between their lips as he gave her a light kiss, that she's unable to resist.

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