Day 08 - 3L

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Lisa and Taehyung awkwardly stared at each other when they have been kicked out from the kitchen by some rich brat named, Jungkook

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Lisa and Taehyung awkwardly stared at each other when they have been kicked out from the kitchen by some rich brat named, Jungkook.

Now, they are appointed to do the Christmas tree and other Christmas decorations around the living room.

Lisa remembered how she always felt very excited and happy when building a Christmas Tree but now that she was all grown up and had witnessed the harsh truth of reality, it is now all plain boring.

However, doing it with someone you least expected is different. Lisa suddenly gulped as she finally avoids his shy stare.

"I really wanted to bake a cookie."
She huffed a breath as she fixed her bangs and whined loudly. Trying to ignore the awkward atmosphere with Taehyung.

She bent over to picked up the christmas lights but then she take a glance to the guy who had been silent ever since he gave up on debating with the stubborn maknae who's in the kitchen right now.

Once Jungkook really makes up his mind, there's no way of changing it. He makes it harder for the person he's arguing with.

"You really wanna do it? But you don't even know how to bake—"
Lisa quickly interrupted him.

"Yah! I know! I've been watching on youtube! And I'm confident that I can do it, if only that jerk-ass didn't interrupt me in the kitchen. He kept saying the scoops and measurements are wrong tss."
As she kept blabbering more words and Taehyung just shake his head in amusement on how she is really eager to bake a cookie. He may not know her real reason is but her muttering now is freaking cute that even though he's not listening to her whines about her stepbrother? Taehyung made up his mind that he'll be happy to please the pouting baby.

"How about we ditch this stuff and go to my mom's kitchen?"
Lisa abruptly stopped from talking as she blinked her eyes at him, confused at his words.

Taehyung smiled as he meet her big brown eyes.

"I'll let you bake in our kitchen."
He offered again as he took the Christmas lights away from her hands and put it back inside the box.

"Y-you'll do that?"
She asked unsure, Lisa isn't even know if she's ready to be alone with him again.

I mean, they're last conversation was not that good right? It was rather painful. Is it really okay with him?

Taehyung pondered and Lisa is still doubtful, her eyebrows furrowed.

She pressed her lips into a thin line and got up as she crossed her arms over her chest. Taehyung chuckled at her being so observant all of a sudden.

"Seriously Lisa, you want to bake or not?"

"No-no! I want it!"
She lifts her arms as she wave it as a sign of 'No' with her head also shaking. She looks adorable and Taehyung can't help but to smile adoringly.

"Okay, but I have one condition."
The corner of his lips lift upward, and Taehyung offered her hand at her. Lisa hesitated a bit.

What is he thinking now? He's making her nervous.

"What is it?"
Lisa unknowingly nibbled her lower lip as her eyes blinked at him in confusion.

"Let me help you."
Well, Taehyung knows how Lisa can be such a wrecking mess in the kitchen. He don't want to be scolded with his mom even though it is also awkward for him to be alone with her. However, there's still a part of him that wanted to spend a little time alone with Lisa.

He misses her a lot. Just this once.
Taehyung want her all by himself even just as friends.

He knew she doesn't like the idea but Taehyung gave Lisa a playful smile and he started to tease her.

"Why Lisa? The cookies are for who?"
His eyes look so amused when Lisa steadied her gaze at his dark intimidating orbs.

"Well... I'm not sure if I can..."
She avoided his teasing look and thought about wether to share it to him or not.

"You don't need to answer that. Come on."
Taehyung softly chuckled and then put his hand over her head as he messes her hair and Lisa quickly slap his hand away from her.

Not long enough, Lisa also giggled while fixing her bangs and a cute pout formed on her lips. Lisa noticed how she needs to lift her head just to look at his face. She suddenly feel like a freaking midget beside him. Taehyung is so tall.

Speaking of another giant.

"How about Jungkook?"
Lisa asked. She was about to walk to the kitchen to check on her stepbrother when Taehyung grabbed her wrist, stopping her.

"Well he kicked us out right? It won't be a problem, kajja."
Taehyung started pulling Lisa with him before she can even react. She didn't complain though, Lisa stared at his back and a smile suddenly brought into her face.

Taehyung is like a child when he smiles. She likes it and suddenly? Warmness overtook her, the awkward atmosphere earlier vanished.

Lisa slowdown on her tracks and she carefully stopped them both from walking. The lad glance at her curiously, but his smile did not waver.

"Thank you, Taehyung."
With that, Taehyung's smile slowly fade as her eyes, her lips, and her spirit all at once smiled at him. He has been captured again with that magic that Lisa only had.

Damn it. Now tell me how can I move on with this angel?

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