Day 07 - 1L

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My family and I spend the whole Christmas watching Netflix while eating pizza and chocolate ice creams

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My family and I spend the whole Christmas watching Netflix while eating pizza and chocolate ice creams. The four of us snuggled on the couch with warm blankets wrapped around us and pillows to hug. Mom and Mr. Jeon end up cuddling each other which made me and Jungkook cringed. However, it was nice to see my mom laughing so genuinely again.

I basically ignored them and focused on watching. It was already 10 pm when we decided to take a rest after finishing five different rom-com movies and seven pizzas.

I browse my Instagram and notifications from yesterday made me laughed. Jungkook was really overreacting with that leftover cookie, I mean all were not that hideous. It's just that I already picked all the cute ones.

Also, the taste is normal. For someone who is bad at cooking? I really did great.

I was just surprised when Namjoon and Hoseok knows about the cookies. It turns out that mochi bragged it on their groupchat about the simple christmas present I gave him.

Hoseok says, he was so happy.

My lids were already turning heavy when I saw a chat notification popped out on my phone screen.

From: Park Jimin
Are you asleep? I'm outside.

I accidentally let out a squeal and when I realized it's already midnight I quickly clamped my mouth with my palm and silently went out of my bedroom. I head to our door and opened it.

There he was, Park Jimin looking like a full course meal as always. Okay, mind shut the hell up that's not good. Oh god, Park Jimin is not good for my health.

"What are you doing here?"
My lungs failed to function properly when he ran his fingers through his newly dyed silver hair. Goddamnit, Park Jimin.

I thought pink and raven hair looks gorgeous already on him but then, this blue silver hair is a whole new level.

The side corner of his lips, lift into a smirk when he noticed me ogling at him. Damn it, he knew he looked so good tonight.

"Can I come in?"
His gaze slip through my back as he moved forward which made me panicked as I shut the door behind me.

"But it's 12:45 in the morning!"
I whispery shout. However, the smirk on the corner side of his lips never left on his attractive face.

And his gaze turned into mischievous stares. My throat went dry as I involuntarily gulped at the sudden change of his attitude.

He leaned in and our cheeks touched. His lips grazed on the skin of my ear as he voiced some words that made my knees wobbled.

"Let's sleep together."

I frantically pushed him off away from me. PARK-FREAKING-JIMIN HAD THE AUDACITY TO MAKE FUN OF ME?!

He gave a husky laugh at my words as he ran his fingers through his hair, finding me very amusing at the moment. I glared at him and slapped his arm.

"It's not funny! You pest!"
I reached for his hair and ruffled it but he swiftly held my wrists and wrapped his arms around me, I keep wiggling but hearing his husky chuckles made my stomach flutter. Damn it.

"I'm sorry, doll. But, can I really sleep here?"
He asked for the second time, as he bit his lower lip trying to stop himself from grinning.

"What again?!"
I wiggled and yelled but he stopped me. Pulling me closer in his warmth.

"I missed you."
Jimin suddenly blushed crimson, and it was plain that he had made a great effort to say this. I blinked at him in surprised.

But he ducked his head between my shoulder and neck. I cleared my throat and straightened my posture, feeling awkward all of a sudden.

"We just saw each other yesterday."
My voice is soft and curious, but Jimin shrugged as he mumbled with a very small voice.

"I don't care, I missed you."

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