Day 02 - 2IG

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Liked by jm.parkkk, jhopeeexx, lalalalisa_m and 121 others
kim.tae30: Okay? But I thought Christmas is over, Lalice? What crack did you take to wear Santa's dress to the party? 😂 You never fail to amused me 💜
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lalalalisa_m Yah! Be thankful I prepare something or else your party would be so boring 🙄

jennierubyjane @lalalalisa_m Gurl, the party is lit. There's booze!!!

kim.tae30 @lalalalisa_m See? Your just weird. 😏

lalalalisa_m Alcohols doesn't make parties exciting 😒

august.d @lalalalisa_m Yes it is.

lalalalisa_m @jennierubyjane @august.d Aish! You two! We don't go to parties for alcohol okay? We go for the person who's throwing it!!!

august.d @lalalalisa_m Why are we invited then? Isn't it because to enjoy the party? And enjoying the party means drinking those stuffs Lalisa.

lalalalisa_m @august.d You are not backing out are you oppa?

jennierubyjane @lalalalisa_m @august.d I don't want to interfere and I'm not taking sides? But the tension is really rising from where I am and you guys are just standing a few feet away from each other. Stop exchanging glares while arguing here!!!

kim.tae30 @jennierubyjane @lalalalisa_m @august.d OK! I think that's enough. Let's just enjoy the night okay? And Lalice? You look pretty.

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