Day 05 - 4T

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"Hyung? Should I dye my hair turquoise for 2019? It symbolizes my birth month

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"Hyung? Should I dye my hair turquoise for 2019? It symbolizes my birth month."
The guy with boxy smile grinned happily as he sipped at the champagne when his attention went to the girl with a light brown hair.

"I heard Jimin will also dye his pink hair back for the next year. The color also symbolizes his birth month."
But Taehyung's attention was not on Namjoon anymore and then he look to the center hall where he found the mentioned man quite a bit struggling from walking away to the crowded hall.

He cursed under his breath.

"Hyung, wait a minute."
Taehyung handed his wine glass to Namjoon and run to catch the hurrying girl.

She finally got out to the venue and tried to call a cab when a hand tightly gripped on her wrist and she has been turn around.

"Where do you think you're going Lalice?"
Lalisa gasped as she accidentally crashed onto Taehyung's hard chest. He has a frown on his lips and creased on her forehead. Brow raising up and seems not very pleased on the girl's doing.

"To Jungkook. I need to talk to him, Tae."
She honestly said as she struggled to break away from him. Her eyes is welling with tears and her lower lip is quivering, but Taehyung held Lisa tight.

"Are you out of your mind?!"
He shake her shoulders and that's the cue were the tears finally flowed to her eyes.

"I didn't know okay? I'm so stupid for not—"
She was explaining and Taehyung doesn't understand why... She doesn't need to explain anything. So he interrupted her words and said the very obvious thing.

"And you will leave Jimin alone here?"
That'd stop her from struggling. Lalisa froze and his words slowly registered in her mind.

Oh right, Jimin was calling her earlier. Yet she turned deaf ears. What's wrong with her???

She absentmindedly said a word that annoyed Taehyung.

"Are you really that naive Lisa? Jungkook doesn't want you to go after him that's why he didn't even say goodbye to you in the first place."
He upsettingly said. Lisa was surprised to see him like this. Taehyung has been so sweet to her ever since. A fresh set of teardrops descends to her cheeks that makes the latter's gaze went soft.

He exasperatedly sighed when she was again about to argue, yet her words died down when Taehyung loosen his grip on her shoulders as he run his fingers through his light colored hair.

"You'll only make it more complicated if you'll go after him, Lalice. Think about their feelings."
He softly said to her.

Lisa what do you really want? Why do you have the sudden urge to look for Jungkook? Why did you left Jimin alone there? And why is your heart beating so fast in front of a disappointed Taehyung?

All of the emotions came crashing to her uncontrollably that her surroundings became hazy. Her head began to spin and her knees is getting weak.

What's happening to me?

"You'll only make it hard for Jungkook and I bet you are hurting Jimin now."

Jimin? I don't want to hurt Jimin.

"Go back to him, Lalice."

I will. I just wanted to see Jungkook.

"Just let Jungkook be. He just need some time alone. Stop giving him false hope."

What? Lalisa snapped her head to Taehyung, lips were a little bit parted and brows were furrowed.

"I'm not—"

"If you go after him now? You are."
Taehyung softly smiled at her. And Lisa realized how fool she is for running away without any good reasons at all. She let her feelings took the best of her and now, Jimin is probably looking for her everywhere.

What have I done?

"I'm sorry."
Covering her face with shaking hands, Lisa sobbed her heart out and Taehyung can only pulled her closer as he wrapped his arms around him, patting her head softly.

"It's okay. I know it's also hard on your part. Confusing huh?"
He comforted, Lisa cried harder and clutched the hem of his black suit.

"I'm really sorry, Tae."
Her body is shaking and Taehyung can sympathetically hurled her more into his embrace. If only he can take all of her bargain away, he will do it. Lisa didn't deserve to be in this position.

"Stop apologizing Lisa. After all, you cannot teach a heart on who to love."
Taehyung drew circles at her back. Hoping that it will send comfort to the girl he loves. If only he started to notice his feelings earlier...

Maybe some things will change. But it's okay, there's nothing to do now. It's too late. His heart swelled when he heard her apologize again to something she wasn't in control of.  "I'm sorry." Lisa mumbled.

"We know. And we already accepted it."
He breathe in her familiar honey lavender scent as he patted again her head. Lalisa is so small in his arms and if only he can stop the time but sadly he can't.

And before he can control his self, his lips had already move closer to plant a soft kiss on her bangs.

With one last hold to her shaking body.

Kim Taehyung closed his eyes and cherished the moment before he utter the words that will also shake his world.

"Now, go back to your man."

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