Day 35 - 2L

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"Hello? Am I not interrupting something?"I carefully peeked inside the room

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"Hello? Am I not interrupting something?"
I carefully peeked inside the room.

I look at the person who called me and I quickly wave at him and unashamedly barged myself in.

"Oh, Yoongi oppa!"
I greeted with a smile and he did the same.

He may look intimidating at some people but Jennie's boyfriend is one of the sweetest guys I've ever known. Hence with that cold looking aura? You should see him laugh and tease Jennie around! I swear he has the most adorable gummy smile aside from his girlfriend, of course.

"What are you doing here?"
He asked me as he stopped playing the piano.

"Jen told me you often go here."
I roamed my gaze to the music room. 


"I'm here for Park. Is he with you?"
I gave him a short glance before roaming my gaze again to find the person I'm looking.

"Yes, over there. He's sleeping."
He pointed at the corner next to the window and truth it is, Park Jimin is there with a book laying over his face.

He only nods at me and went back to his own world which is him playing the piano.

I tiptoed my way, afraid to actually wake him up and I sat next to him. The sunlight that peering through the window gave us just a good exact amount of warm, which is why I understand why he chose to sleep here cause the heater is insufficient to give heat to the extremely cold weather today.

"Hey, Park? Park Jimin."
I whispered so low that I bet it didn't even reach to his ears. I look closely at the book he's reading and I was surprised to see that Jimin is interested in this kind of fiction.

'The Great Gatsby by F Scott Fitzgerald'

I read with my mind and only one thought came up to me. The past.

We all know that The Great Gatsby story is about a man who has desperately reinvented himself to win back the woman he loves. Gatsby wants to create a beautiful future by restoring the past.

Well, is it really that possible? Isn't it past is just past and it should be better if we leave it that way?

"Why won't you wake him up?"
I was startled by the voice behind me and I'm surprised to see Min Yoongi squatting behind me with a grin on his face.

"Or should I do the privilege to do that?"
He asked me once again.

"No, no! I think he's really tired. Let us give him time to rest."
I whisper-shout at the guy behind me and he chuckled lowly.

"How sweet of you."
Min Yoongi winked as he turned his back at me and completely left in this room, leaving just the two of us here. Park and I.

I shifted my gaze at him as I watched how his chest went up to down in a calm motion.

"Mr. Grumpy?"
I softly called him again but to no avail. He's really asleep, so I carefully take the book off his face and when I succeed doing it I checked the part he's reading.

And minutes later, I am unknowingly engrossed in the book as I flip to page and pages.

"Can't change the past? Why, of course you can." — Gatsby

I hummed a song in my head as I lost track of time by reading Jimin's book. I was only interrupted when I heard a titter.

I look at my side and see Park Jimin staring at me with a gentle smile on his face.

"How do you like the book?"
His voice was husky and I bet he doesn't have any idea how it really sounded.

"I think it's intriguing, just like the owner itself."
I closed the book and gave it back to him. Jimin let out a chuckle and nod as he sat up.

"Smart answer."
I winked and join him laughing.

"What brings you here, Lisa?"


I pressed my lips into a thin line and nod.

"Can I have the photo we took when we went to the beach? I badly want it to post on Instagram."
I beamed with my cheeks puffing up, Jimin only look at me with his smile never leaving his face.

"Give me your email, I'll send it to you."
He suggested as I quickly took my phone out of my pocket and gave it to him.

I watched how he's typing stuffs on my phone then a few seconds later, I heard it beeped. He handed it back as long as it's done and I saw one mail from Park Jimin on the screen of my phone.

I slide to open it and when I saw the photo, my smile grew wider.

"Thank you so much! I'll post this later okay?"

"Mmm, okay."

"I'll be expecting a 'like' and a 'comment' from you, Mr. Grumpy."
He laughed at my half meant joke but he nod his head anyway and agreed.

"So do you want some ice cream, Oppa?"

"Strawberry and Cheesecake?"

"Strawberry and Cheesecake."

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