Day 11 - 5JK

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Jungkook raked his hair when he noticed that he let an opportunity to slide again when he refused to go with Lisa to the supermarket

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Jungkook raked his hair when he noticed that he let an opportunity to slide again when he refused to go with Lisa to the supermarket.

He ran out from his room, taking his beanie and scarf along with him on the way, Jungkook ride the elevator and pressed the first floor.

As soon as the elevator opened he ran to the parking lot but his steps went slower until his feet stopped moving when he saw a guy wearing a black parka and a mask, that certain guy is staring at something as he was holding a dog leash on his hand, the cute black and brown furry dog is playing on the snow while the owner doesn't even pay attention to him that much.

Jungkook looked at the thing he was staring at and regretted it the moment he realized what it was, or we rather say who it was.

"Wow, you are one of a heck of a masochist."
Jungkook muttered to Taehyung. The latter look at the newly arrived guest and he raised an eyebrow at him.

"It just happened that I always come at the wrong time."
He laughed at the guy who rolled his eyes at him.

But the next words Taehyung said made his laughter died down.

"But don't you think she deserves him, Jungkook?"
He frowned at the latter. Taehyung has this sad bitter smile on his face and Jungkook tried his best to avoid what's in front of them.

"Sure he is. But why only him?"
He spat. The tone of annoyance is visible on his voice and Taehyung knew what's on his mind.

"Stop what you're planning to do, Jungkook. You'll just regret it."
The latter took his dog off the snow, as Taehyung lift it on his arms, caressing its damp fur. Jungkook watched him with knotted brows.

"Regret? Why would I regret if it will take off the massive weight on my chest?"
He reasoned out. Every passing day with Lisa is torture, it felt like there's this huge wall separating him with her, and he isn't allowed to touch it, it's unbreakable anyway.

So even if he will shout his lungs out that he wanted to be with her, it will remain unnoticed.

Because of that damn irritating wall.

Taehyung sympathized at Jungkook's feelings, well he's not the only one hurting here. It's the both of them. But what can they do? The heart already speaks.

"Of course, it will still be your decision. But I'll tell you Jungkook-ah, you'll only lose."
Taehyung hates to admit it to his friend but this is Jungkook's wake up call.

"It's unfair don't you think?"
Jungkook scoff bitterly when he accidentally had a glimpsed on Jimin and Lisa who were hugging each other.

He pities this guy right beside him, Taehyung had this bad luck, he always catches Lisa and Jimin together. How painful is that? Fate must be torturing him for being a jerk, but what did Jungkook do to also deserve this?

Did he come at the right place at a wrong time? No, that can't be it. Why?
Well... if isn't still obvious, he is also at the wrong place.

After all, HE is the stepbrother.

Taehyung asked curiously.

"You can blurt your feelings to her and so is Jimin Hyung. But me? Fate forbid me to do it."
He sighed, reminding hi of the painful reality he is in. Why does his father have to fell in love with her mother anyway? But if that also never happen, he wouldn't had the chance to meet the most complicated yet soft hearted girl.

He remembers how Lisa looked so maddeningly beautiful when he first saw her at their kitchen back then. They argued a lot after that incident but he knew at the back of his mind he was only teasing her to get her full attention.

"I'm tired of it. This can't keep happening. Fate should stop playing with me. It is not fun anymore."
Jungkook groaned, and the puppy in Taehyung's arms barked at him with its cute little puppy voice. Jungkook rolled his eyes at the puppy as he ignored it and keep whining at Taehyung which the latter find it very amusing.

Is Jeon picking a fight at the little puppy now because of frustration?

The brown haired guy shook his head as he waited for Jungkook's next words.

"Shit, fate can't just keep doing this to me."
The latter's expression drastically changed and Taehyung being the curious one, he followed Jungkook's gaze and that's when he saw how the brunette tipped her toes and leaned in to the guy in front of her.

Oh shit. This must be painful to him, Taehyung glance at Jungkook and he saw the sadness in his eyes.

Strange thing is, Taehyung became immune to this gestures, he had seen more and as the time passed by he just had learned how to accept it. That he missed the opportunity to be with her when he took her for granted.

"I like her too, you know? I wanted to compete but being in my position right now? It's fucking impossible."
Jungkook's gaze shifted away from the two as he turned his back and face the building, he heaved a deep sighed and gathered his remaining strength to ignore the thousand needles that stabbing his heart right now.

"Well, she is already happy. Can't you just be happy for her?"
Taehyung muttered, still looking at the two. Jungkook who heard this laughed bitterly. Yes, he can do that. He can be happy for her. That would be easy... just by seeing her smile makes his heart flutter, so that would be easy... Yes, it is.

But why is he doubting?

"That's the only thing I'm holding right now. At least he can make her happy."
Taehyung continued, and Jungkook turned to his side to look at the latter, realization washed over him in alternating waves of pain and numbness.

Why is it only him?

"I can also do that."
Before he can stop himself from blurting his thought out loud, it's already too late. He caught Taehyung's attention as the latter had a quick reply to his remark.

"Yes, but not in the same way..."

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