Day 29 - 5L

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I stared at Chaeyoung's photo, she was smiling cheekily at the camera

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I stared at Chaeyoung's photo, she was smiling cheekily at the camera. Her eyes held with so much delight and she was holding a bouquet of red roses.

Then I remembered something. So, I fully turn my attention to Jimin.

"Do you know that she's 3 months pregnant when she died?"
I tilt my head a little bit and carefully watched his reaction.

His voice seemed forced and I think I saw a glint of sadness flashed through his eyes for a split of seconds.

"Her body couldn't handle the pregnancy and so the baby died with her."
I continued my story. Jimin isn't looking at me but with Chaeyoung's picture. I had a chance to gape at his side profile and trust me when I said, God sculpted it in perfection.

"It's devastating."
My chest started to hurt when I remember how happy Chaeyoung was when she told me the story of how she found out she's conceiving a baby in her tummy.

Jimin put his hands on his face as he ran his fingers through his smooth black hair.

"How did you know anyway?"

My attention went back to the photo when I sense Jimin's mood started to change.

"Hoseok told me about it."
He shrugged his shoulders as he put his hands inside his pocket jeans.

Jimin looks so calm. Not until I dropped the words that made him froze.

I know Jimin is not comfortable at it but I need to unmindfully ask the question that keeps bugging up my mind ever since the moment my eyes landed on Chaeyoung's portrait.

"Who was she again in your life?"
I caught Jimin off guard. This is the first time I have seen him like that, he's always cool and calm but tonight is different.

I can read him.

But what if I already know the answer? And I'm just good at playing dumb and clueless? What if I already put the puzzles into each place? What if my theories were already done and I'm just waiting for the right time to drop the bomb?

Who really knows actually right? There is no guarantee upon this stupid theory.

I snatched Jimin's attention when I poke his cheek because he's not answering my question.

I pressed my lips into a thin line and smiled as I waited for his dreaded answer.

Jimin downcast his head as he let out a shaky breath before finally saying the words that will confirm something.

"Someone who's close to my heart."

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