Day 28 - 5JS

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The moment Jisoo realized that her boyfriend forgot to give her planner, she quickly gets out from the next station and transfers to another train that will lead her back to where Taehyung is

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The moment Jisoo realized that her boyfriend forgot to give her planner, she quickly gets out from the next station and transfers to another train that will lead her back to where Taehyung is.

Unfortunately, when she reached the station he was not there anymore and Jisoo doesn't have any choice but to go to his apartment to retrieve her planner.

They are important things that she wrote they're regardless of her classes for tomorrow and Jisoo is a perfectionist when it comes to studying.

She was almost there but someone grabbed her arm making her halt her steps. Jisoo turned around and she was shocked to see Jeon Jungkook.

His eyebrows were furrowed and the look on his face screams displeased. The thing here though was Jungkook is not looking at her but instead to the two figures that she only realized just now.

"I-is that them?"
Her voice is shaky and Jungkook glance at her for a split seconds before turning his attention back to the two.

"Who do you think it is, smart head? Joker and Harley?"
The sarcasm in his voice annoyed her even more.

"Shut up Jeon and can you let me go?"
Which the guy willingly did. Jisoo rolled her eyes and rubbed the part where Jungkook accidentally gripped tight.

She hissed in annoyance before looking again at the two persons who are talking and laughing together.

Then Jisoo's gaze went down to their clasped hands. This triggered her to step forward with one objective in her mind, confront. If only Jungkook didn't block her way and gave her that dark warning look. She must be at there, intriguing them with stupid questions.

Suddenly, Jungkook's mood changes and his eyes glinting with amusement.

"Fascinating isn't it?"
Jisoo looked over at the tall guy and crossed her arms on her chest.

She lifts an eyebrow.

"Last few days you were the main character in your story but look at you now, Noona... You just became the side character."
He smirked at the girl who suddenly looks so lost for a few seconds as her doughty spirit earlier has shaken down.

Jisoo was taken aback and she quickly looked at her boyfriend who is now hugging a girl that is not her.

"If I were you? You should start moving on."
She heard him continuously mocking her and Jisoo is so done tolerating him.

With an angry glare, she shifted her attention to Jungkook.

"Speak to yourself, Jeon."
Jisoo scoffed.

"You're the one who should move on don't you think? Do you know why? Because she only sees you as her brother and nothing more."
She finally spoke the painful truth based on her observations of Jungkook's behavior towards his sister.

Moreover, Jisoo got the reaction she wanted to see on him and to add more salt into the wound? She stated the thing Jungkook seem to not understand from day one.

"Oh, I forgot. You really are his brother."
Jisoo shook her head and forced herself to laughed sarcastically.

"Correction, STEP-brother."
Jungkook's jaw clenched as he glared at the girl beside him but he never let himself be shaken from Jisoo's taunt.

He, however, heaved a deep sighed and calm himself down as his gaze went to look at his sister who is now laughing with Kim Taehyung.

"That doesn't change."
He heard Jisoo mumbled.

Jungkook already knows that. He doesn't need to be reminded every time. He knows his place and he's planning to stay there until he still can.

"Well, welcome to the other side of the story."
He smiled bitterly. Jungkook can't believe he is accepting defeat. He is not like that, he's not a quitter.

But for Lisa? He only wants her happiness.

"That's bullshit."
Jisoo hissed as she turned her back and went away. She did not wait for Jungkook's next words anymore.

She cupped her phone in the pocket of her white long coat as she went to find a certain name in her contact lists.

When she found it, Jisoo pressed the call button and waited for the other line to ring.

The person she called quickly accepted it after two rings.

Her lower lip quiver and sadness overtook her when she heard his voice.

"Namjoon? I need you."

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