Day 31 - 1

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To: Chaeyoung

Hi, Chaeng. Good Morning. Yes, it's Saturday and I'm planning to just lay in my bed all day cause why not?

I'm very exhausted. Physically, Mentally, & Emotionally.

Anyways, I met someone yesterday. She came to me with those heavy materials she's holding so I asked to help her which she gratefully accepted.

Her name's Mina btw. She told me that she's not really a Korean and it's quite obvious bcos of her features are more like Japanese. So, I told her that I am foreigner as well but she quickly said that, she happened to know a lot more about me.

Anyways, we ended up talking about the foods and places we miss in our country. Then later on she suddenly told me that I misunderstood something about her and Jimin.

"I know you're avoiding him? But Jimin and I were just friends and group mates in dance club." She said.

Why is she even explaining to me in the first place? I mean why does my opinion suddenly matters? Seriously it's ridiculous.

"Actually he's just helping me."

"He's helping you on what?"

"On Hoseok."

"Hoseok? Jung Hoseok?"

"Yes. I kinda have a huge crush on him."

And yes there's the bomb. Guess your boyfriend is getting a new girl already huh? She's nice tho.

Would you agree on that, Chae? I mean, I know Hoseok is still mourning at your loss but don't you think it's time for him to move on?

I know you are not against that. In fact, you like your loved ones to be happy. You're a good person, Chae.

I really miss you rn. 💔😔

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