Day 11 - 4L

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"Hey sis?"I looked up and saw my brother behind my bedroom's door

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"Hey sis?"
I looked up and saw my brother behind my bedroom's door. I quickly locked my phone and turn my body to face him.


"Mom's been thinking of making chocolate cake for dinner, do you think you can go grocery shopping for the ingredients?"
Jungkook said while yawning, he's also rubbing his eyes meaning he just woke up from a good afternoon nap.

"How about you though?"
My lips turned into an involuntary pout. I don't really want to go out, it's snowing outside and I wanted to just snuggle here in my comforter while browsing my instagram. I'm lazy to even move.

"I'm still working on the project that dad left me, I'm kinda busy. Are you good by going alone? I'll just picked you up later if you want?"
I guess, I don't have a choice then. I forced myself to nod and get out of my bed. I took my black coat out in my closet and also take a red scarf with me. My step brother refused to leave though, he just stood there at the door waiting for me to finish dressing up.

I look at the mirror to fixed my bangs and when I'm satisfied, I take my shoulder bag with me and I'm off to go, but of course after Jungkook held my wrist and put mittens to warm my hands from the cold.

I gave him a perplexed look but he just shrugged it off and pushed me outside with the list that I need to buy.

He's really complicated sometimes, a perfect tsundere if I may add.

As soon as I'm out of the apartment, the cold wind hit my cheeks and I exhaled a warm breath, making a soft smoke come out in my mouth.

It's really freezing today and I'm hating the fact that it's only 4 pm in the afternoon but the sky is already starting to get dark. I lifted my hands and watched how the snowflakes descended on my mittens, as it slowly melts beautifully.


My head snapped from the clicking sound of a camera, not far from where I'm standing. I hear myself gasped when I saw him standing there with his black BMW. He put the camera down away from his face and I saw how the side of his lips turned into a warm smile.

What is he doing here?

"Do you like cranberry tarts? Or would you rather eat gingerbread truffles?"
Jimin asked as he put back the camera inside his car. His gaze softly landed to me as he ran his fingers through his soft raven hair.

I walked closer to him and each steps I take is making me strangely impatient, so the aggressive me, ran all the way to him and quickly engulfed Jimin into a tight embrace.

"I'm sorry."
I murmured as I buried my face on his neck when I felt my eyes welling up.

"No, I'm sorry."
He hugged me back and apologized to me too. I shake my head, indicating that it's alright, that I understand.

Theory | lisa ff ✔️Where stories live. Discover now