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Eyes, there's really something with them

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Eyes, there's really something with them. It's like the window of your soul but with the two people here inside the narrow room. Heaving a ragged breathing and eyes never leaving on each other.

They were both waiting who's going to do the first move, not until the blonde girl locked the door behind her making the other flash an annoyingly attractive smirk on his face.

The faint chattering outside the room and the sound of a playing piano became unheard when he took a step forward knocking the breath off of her.

'Freaking Park Jimin's spell.' Lisa thought when he felt the warm touch to her bare shoulders as he gently pushed her to the door, still with the smirk on his plump luscious lips.

"I'm claiming your punishment now, baby doll."
He softly mutters as his finger tips went up to touch her cheek.

"It's been three years, babe."
Lisa softly whimpers as she tried to focus to look at her boyfriend's eyes and not on his lips.

"Well, we've wait long enough."

"Not here, pest. It's Seokjin oppa and Joy eonnie's engagement party."

"It's your fault of wearing that dress tonight. Too bad, it will only get ruined."

"You wouldn't dare, Park."

"So we're back at the last name basis again huh, Manoban?"
Jimin held her hand which had a diamond ring on it. He just proposed to her earlier when nobody's watching, Jimin wanted to be her only and when that time comes it was when everybody's attention was on Jin and Joy engagement as well as Namjoon and Jisoo officially announced that they are now together. Damn, those two take things slow for real this time.

Yoongi and Jennie are getting stronger but they had a bad break up last year because of Yoongi's career in music industry, however they patch thing up after months of longing to be with each other.

Mina had confessed her feelings to Hoseok right after she graduated college and before she went back to Japan. Hoseok was surprised and couldn't able to answer her precisely but then he started missing her and so along the line he realized that he too feels the same.

Nayeon migrated to New york and met her beau there.

Jungkook had introduced his foreigner girlfriend two months ago. He met her in Nagoya Japan when he went on tour to make a G.C.F film.

Taehyung on the other hand is currently not here in Korea like Nayeon. He went to France for a better opportunity on finding a job.

As for Lisa and Jimin...

The blonde gasped in surprised when Jimin pulled her body close to him.

And without wasting any more time, their lips fused just like what they've been aching to do since the moment they step a foot here.

Lalisa let out a soft moan as her fingers ran through his pink hair.

His hands roamed down to her bottoms, giving it a light squeeze which made the blonde giggle.

"What baby?"
Jimin's kisses went down to her neck as a shy smile shown on his plump lips, Lisa let out a giggle again.

"It's the first time you've done that to me."
She gasp for air when Jimin nibbled a sensitive spot on her neck. Lisa's hands tugging the back of his button down shirt as she felt the impact of being pushed against the door.

Damn, she felt hot.

And his warm touches is making her strangely impatient yet she's also loving it at the same time. A foreign feeling inside of her stomach is knotting and electricity run down to her spine when Jimin unzipped the back of her red dress.

Lalisa pushed herself more closer to him if that's even possible and her hands were like working on its own because she just realized, she's unbuttoning his shirt.

Jimin help her on undoing it before he throw his shirt to the floor. Lisa stared at his perfect silhouette as she was absentmindedly biting her lower lip in the process.

Fuck, her boyfriend. Why the heck that they will only do the deed now? This better be worth it, because damn the blonde waited for freaking three years for this.

Lalisa let her red dress fall down and Jimin watched how the red fabric gently descend to the cold polished floor.

A crimson blushed filled her cheeks as she instinctively cover her almost naked body.

"Say something..."

"You're very beautiful, baby. I'm speechless."

And just like that, her lips formed into a genuine smile. Jimin fixed the strand of her hair that's covering her face as he tucked it behind her ear.

"Come to think of it? I wanna treasure you, Lalisa."
Jimin leaned in to kiss her temple as he wrapped his arms around her small figure.

"Let's wait for the honeymoon. I want your first to be special, baby. Eo?"
Jimin picked up her dress to the floor as he fixed it to her body. He made her turn around so that he can zip her dress and after that he adoringly smiled at his girlfriend.

"You deserve the best in everything. Stop pouting, Lalisa."
The blonde was kinda disappointed but then Jimin was right. This can wait. And that only means, he respects her that much.

How lucky can she be with her boyfriend? It's rare to find someone who treasure your own purity and wait for it until the day of your wedding. Lalisa is blessed.

"I love you, Jimin."

"I love you too, baby."

Hello, this is the author;
Saying that Hunch and Theory
Is officially signing off.
Thank you for reading this book.
Hope you had fun with it as much as how I had fun writing it.
Still can't get over the fact that many readers support this when I only made this book for fun.
Thank you so much!

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