Day 31 - 3

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To: Chaeyoung

Hello Chaeyoung-ah. I know I should be sleeping right now coz obviously it's 12:51 a.m. and we still need to go to church tomorrow.

But... I can't get this one certain scenario out in my head. It's driving me crazy.

After we got home from the park, we immediately took Yoonjae at their apartment and bring him to his parents. The little boy thanked us for helping him finding his new pet and then he gave a quick hug to his hyung and also to me.

Subsequently, I was supposed to go back to my apartment room but Taehyung offered a hot choco milk drink.

Seriously I was about to decline that offer not until we both heard my stomach loudly grumbled, yes so much embarrassment. So I got no choice but to nod my head when I see him pressing his lips into a thin line to control himself not to laugh at me.

To make the story short? We drank choco milk together at his apartment. The end.

Okay fine. That's not only it. We kinda have a good conversation like we used to before but we're not alone in his apartment okay? His mom was in her room writing some paperworks.

Ps. We're not still friends and I still hate him. Yes, I said that to Taehyung before I bid goodbye to him yesterday.

But you know what he replied to me Chaeyoung-ah? He said, "If that so... then, can you let me gain you back?"

I didn't utter a response. I just blinked at him for a few times and the next thing he did was I'm already in his arms as he engulfed me with a long warm hug.

Theory | lisa ff ✔️Where stories live. Discover now