Day 15 - 3L

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"I kissed Lisa

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"I kissed Lisa."

"You kissed who, Taehyung?"
Jennie repeated the question. She can't still believe what she just heard from him.

"I already said it, Jen. I won't repeat it for the second time."
Taehyung is not in the mood to play any games right now when obviously each one of them is intoxicated with alcohols and cigarettes.

"He said, he kissed Lisa."
Jisoo was the one to answer his supposed question and Jungkook who heard it for the second time bitterly scoffed as he decided to stand up and dragged himself away from that circle.

"I'm done with games. The main point here is we party."
He said and finished the can of beer on his hand in one go.

"For the first time? I agree with that kid."
Yoongi also stood up and one by one they scattered away from that boiling atmosphere and decided to ignore the fact that they open an old wound from the past and just continued to party.

However, four people have been left behind on that spot. Taehyung, Jisoo, Jimin, and Lisa.

"Why? Why did you do that?"
Was the first thing Jisoo asked. Her hands were trembling so she put the red cup down and glared at his boyfriend.

Taehyung stood up but Jisoo was fast to pull him down.

"We are still talking, Taehyung."
She said in a firm voice as she glance at Lisa and Jimin. The two were not talking, they are surprisingly calm and quiet. She is looking down while Jimin is staring at her with an unreadable expression.

Jisoo shifted her attention back to her boyfriend and he is reading a new message on his phone.

It was from, Hoseok.

'One warning, Taehyung. Stay away from Jeon tonight. He's hella pissed at you and is itching to start a fight.'

Taehyung ignored the message and locked his phone as he gulped at his soju bottle again. They wanted the truth and now that they had it? Why are they all ganging up against him?

"I'm sorry..."
He gained the threes attention on what he said. Lisa lifted her heap up, Jimin straightly look at him with deadpan eyes, and Jisoo who's trying really hard not to cry again in front of her boyfriend.

"I was too confused. I don't know what to do... I just wanted it all to stop, but it backfired me."
Lisa frowned. God knows she avoided this moment to come. She regretted kissing him back. She should've just push him away but she didn't. Instead, she even allowed it to happen.

"Stop. I don't want to hear another words from you."
Taehyung was shocked.

She glared at him and stood up without a word. Taehyung quickly followed her and Jisoo was about to stand up also when Jimin stops her.

"Let them talk."
Jisoo squinted her eyes to Jimin who looks unbothered at the situation. She wanted to banged his head, maybe he'll wake up that something will probably happen again if they will leave the two alone.

"Why are you okay with this?!"
She yelled angrily but not loud enough to not interrupt their friends that keep partying and not minding their business.

"I'm not. But they both need it."
His gaze traveled over Jisoo's face expressionlessly. Deep inside he's furious since the beginning, Taehyung let out those words from his lips.

"What if—"
Jimin didn't let her finished and butted the harsh reality to her.

"Then, it's their decision. We do not own them, Jisoo. The only thing we can do is to trust them."
He shrugged and emptied the can of beer in his hand. Is this how Jimin get really angry? He looked calm but his eyes gave you chills.

Jisoo hesitated asking more as his penetrating gaze ran over her face. Jimin ran his fingers through his coal black hair.

"Why? Don't you trust your boyfriend? Because I do with Lisa."
He looked over at her and Jisoo got speechless for a moment. Does she trust Taehyung? After all the things that happened? She actually don't know anymore. It felt like she's the only one fighting with their relationship.

What about him? What does Jimin feel right now? Is it rage? Jealous? Envy? Regret? Sadness? Or just nothing?

So Jisoo asked curiously about him or should we say, them?

"Are you guys dating?"
Jimin sadly smile with Jisoo's question. He wished. He wished he could proudly said that to everybody that he's dating her. He wished he could show her to his parents and close friends and the world would be envious to them but sadly, no. They were not dating.

She likes Taehyung. What is he to her? He's only a friend, some shoulder to cry on. Unfair right? He's always there but in the end, he will still remain as a friend to her.

What about the kiss? He don't know.

He heaved a deep sighed and open a new can of beer.

"Come on, Jisoo. Let's join the others."
He said, changing the topic. But Jisoo gets what's going on inside his head because it's the same with hers. Jimin feelings is endangered, now that he knows that Taehyung likes Lisa too.

Should she allow this to happen? But Jisoo promised to Taehyung that she won't give up to him.

However, this time is different. Lisa will know everything.

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