Day 02 - 1IG

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Liked by sooyaaa__, jennierubyjane, kim

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Liked by sooyaaa__, jennierubyjane, kim.tae30 and 97 others
lalalalisa_m: Happy 21st Birthday, Taehyung! And welcome to adulthood finally! Should I call you 'oppa' now?
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kim.tae30 It is finally happening huh? You can greet me personally, Lalice. I'm just at your apartment room next door.

lalalalisa_m @kim.tae30 Aackk! Busted. Kkkk sure sure I'll come there later, are u having a party? 😏

kim.tae30 I guess? Thanks for the greet btw 😊 and yes! You should call me oppa now 💜😂

lalalalisa_m @kim.tae30 Oh you're enjoying this huh? kkkk

kim.tae30 Gotta take every chances, Lalice 😝 cause 3 months from now I'm no longer oppa again to you 🤦🏻‍♂️ yet you should call me that because I'm still OLDER.

lalalalisa_m @kim.tae30 Whatever you say, Tae. 😂😂😂

jennierubyjane @kim.tae30 Oh just stay away from the internet and take a bath kid. Your birthday party will start in few hours.

jhopeeexx @kim.tae30 Birthday party? Are you like having balloons and clowns later?

kim.tae30 @jennierubyjane @jhopeeexx tch, buzzkill. 🙄

sooyaaa__ @kim.tae30 Happy Birthday. 😊

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