Day 03 - 2F

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It's the month of December and 3 months from now it's the seniors graduation

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It's the month of December and 3 months from now it's the seniors graduation. Everyone had already choose what college they'll go but not with Lisa. She's contemplating wether to just go back to her motherland or maybe do nothing at all.

She's in the rooftop now and skin were numb by the coldness of the winter afternoon. Thoughts were disarray and the part where her beating heart is the only thing that makes her a human. Yes, she's breathing, she can speak, and hear but she forgot how to feel. It felt like she has been dead for a long time.

When did it happen? And how did it occurs her? Honestly, she also doesn't know. It just happen. It just did. Maybe, there's something wrong with her.

There's always this voice inside her brain that keeps telling her how unworthy she is. How she doesn't deserve to be happy. And it triggers everything. When that happened, she doesn't have any control with her body anymore... it just moves on its own.

She doesn't want to die. She doesn't want to feel this way. But there's something urging her to do things and after that? she can no longer do anything to prevent it.

Knowing, Park Chaeyoung on the other hand, Helps a little. She's like a temporary aid with this unknown sickness, but the thought of being apart with her light after graduation is haunting her.

Sometimes, Lisa wished she never met her. But then, she also wished that Chaeyoung will stay forever.

Graduation is near and Chaeyoung is leaving her, that's the fact. The popular girl is going to Seoul University and Lisa doesn't have the courage to enroll in that expensive school to be with her.

Lisa then suddenly get near to the ledge. She doesn't understand why there's no railings here to keep them safe. Unknowingly, she climbed on it and seeing how far she is from the ground doesn't even scare her. She felt free and miserable at the same time.

Lalisa lift her both arms as she spread it wide to feel the wind more, hoping that it can take away all of her sadness or maybe jumping off from this ledge would be much easier?

She closed her eyes and move her feet a little bit closer to the edge. Lalisa bitterly smiled when a thought came into her mind that everything will end now.

Because maybe, maybe leaving this place. This, earth is the best way to forget and heal even if after life is not certain at all. If she'll get born again she wished to be a part of the sea or one of the stars in the sky.

She's so selfish for doing this though and not even feeling guilty for a bit.

"Oh my Gosh! Lalisa!!! Stop!"
Before Lisa can even jump from the ledge. She felt her body being pulled away from the the dangerous spot she's standing.

The intruder was tightly gripping Lisa's waist from behind as she felt the fast beating of her heart.

With a slow move and tear stricken face, Lalisa face the worried Chaeyoung.

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