Day 02 - 3L

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Colorful lights blinded Lisa the moment she entered the bar where Taehyung's mom rented for her son's birthday

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Colorful lights blinded Lisa the moment she entered the bar where Taehyung's mom rented for her son's birthday. It was a surprise gift and Taehyung surely didn't expect many of their colleagues be joining them tonight.

With hesitant steps, her eyes search for someone she knew inside the bar. The loud music isn't helping at all and Lalisa's social anxiety is badly kicking in.

She flinched when Lisa felt an arm draped on her bare shoulders. She quickly look at the person on her side and her eyes grew wide when she saw the person checking her out with an amused smirk.

"Hey sis, you seem lost." He chuckled and the brunette blinked her eyes at him which lead him to laugh at her naiveness. "I also assume, you didn't get the right info for Tae's party huh?"
Jungkook laughed harder when his eyes went back to what she's wearing.

That's when Lisa realized he's making fun of her. She rolled her eyes and push her brother away.

"That's how you greet your sister after leaving without saying goodbye?"
Jungkook coyly smile as he shyly rubbed his nape. He was about to answer her when Jung Hoseok called his name from the crowd.

"See you later, sis." He waved her goodbye but before Jungkook totally turn his back, he look at Lisa. "Oh by the way? Someone's looking for you. He's at the lounge area." Jungkook pointed a finger at her and after that he quickly dragged himself to the crowd.

"Stupid Jungkook."
Lisa mumbled and mentally face palmed as she find her way to the lounge.

Seeing her brother's face after three days is a relief. Thanked God it didn't took him a week or a month to come back. She then had a glimpse of Taehyung on the platform with headphone on his neck, he's with Yoongi and they were talking like he's showing the younger guy on how to play some music on the DJ desk.

Jennie is with Nayeon on the dance floor with red cups on their hand, practically enjoying the music that's been prepared by her boyfriend itself. She also found the others chilling at the bar who's specifically Namjoon, Seokjin, Jisoo, & Joy.

Now, there's only two missing.

But before completely going to the lounge, Lisa made a halt at the bar to order herself some drink to start the night.

"Uhm, Hi! Can you give me one of your strongest shot? But not strong enough to knock me out completely."
She put her both hands on the counter and clasped it in front of her when the bartender gave her a suspicious look but did what she said anyway.

"Woah. Slow down there, Santa's helper."
Lisa turned to her right and saw Namjoon eyeing her from head to toe as his witty remarked slowly registered in her mind.

"Stop it, Joonie. Give the pretty girl a break."
Jisoo winked at her and smiled tenderly as she pulled Namjoon away from the bar. Lisa can only follow them with her gaze not until the new couple caught her attention.

"So what's up with the look, barbie?"
Joy slipped her arms around Jin's torso and the guy smiled at her. This is maybe the first time Lisa saw them flirting out in the public. Her Joy unnie is not really a big fan of PDA so it's a new sight for the younger to actually witnessed the latter do sweet things with her beau.

"I thought of doing something peculiar for Taehyung."

"And being one of Santa's sexy helper came to your mind?"
Lisa nodded shyly, although she never thought that this look will be sexy. So it brought a deep shade of pink on her cheeks.

"You kinda remind me of Regina George on that outfit, Lisa-ssi."
This time, Seokjin also paid attention to what she's wearing.

"Right! And isn't it Rachel McAdams is Taehyung's Hollywood crush?"
Joy gasped as she agreed with her boyfriend. Jin nod his head with a growing teasing smile on his lips.

"Is that the reason?"
Lisa's eyes went wide as she shake her head almost desperately that made the couple laughed at her silly look. She look like a teenager who's in denial over something.

Lisa was about to answer the two when the bartender served her drink. She mumbled a short thank you as she tightly closed her eyes and drink the shot in all go.

"Excuse me young adults, I shall greet the birthday boy."
She exited and ignored the couple who still had teasing looks. Lisa wonders when did they even start liking each other? As far as she knows Seokjin was the one who's even shoving Namjoon to Joy but maybe love really move on it's mysterious ways.

She approached the main guy of the event and sneakily put her hands to cover his eyes. Yoongi who saw this rolled his eyes and take over with the DJ-ing.

"Guess who?"
Lisa changed the tone of her voice but the sound of her giggles made Taehyung's mouth formed into his famous boxy smile.

He simply stated and he heard the girl whined before taking her hands off his eyes. Taehyung turn around and saw a pouting Lisa who's wearing Santa's red suit and it looks very identical with the Queen B's christmas attire on the 'Mean Girls' movie.

A moment after Lisa's pout changed into a wide grin as she greeted him with her most animated voice. "HAPPIEST BIRTHDAY KIM TAEHYUNG!" Lisa was bouncy when she pulled him into a tight hug.

After that Kim Taehyung asked Yoongi to take some pictures of them before shooing Lisa away so that the girl can also have a great time. Taehyung cannot just keep her all by himself, besides everything is okay now. As long as she is happy he will also be happy for everyone's behalf.

Jeon Jungkook and him had a talked about that earlier and they both agreed on moving on.

Now, the only thing that's missing is the brunette's final decision.

Lisa had finally arrived at the VIP lounge area and her eyebrow rose up when she see Mina who almost spit her drink when she saw her enter. The japanese girl coughed and wipe the side of her mouth.

"Lisa, what are you doing here?"

"Jungkook and Taehyung told me someone is looking for me here. Are you looking for me, unnie?"
The brunette asked her confusedly. Mina quickly stood up from her seat and went to put her hands on Lisa's shoulders.

"No, silly! You missed him, he already went outside to go look for you."



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