Day 32 - 4J

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Yoongi shake his head while reading Lisa's text message to him

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Yoongi shake his head while reading Lisa's text message to him. She's asking a favor to check on Jimin. I mean why can't she be the one to do that instead?

And even if his lazy ass says, 'No' he wouldn't have any choice but to go anyway, or else his girl would start again a petty fight for this. Lisa is Jennie's new treasured friend so he can't do anything but to agree on the two girls.

"Hey Park!"
Is the first thing Yoongi said the moment he entered the clinic. He roamed his gaze and the nurse were nowhere to be seen so he shrugged his shoulders and just went to his friend.

"Hyung? What are you doing here?"
Jimin asked but his whole attention was on his phone and he is frowning.

Yoongi shifted his gaze to the girl sitting on the chair beside the clinic bed. She has a bangs, her hair is black and shoulder length, then familiarity hit him.

"Oh? You're with Mina? Hello there."
The girl look up and saw her highschool batch mate. She smiled and waved her hand at him.

"Hi, Yoongi. Haven't seen you a while huh?"
They were close before but the moment Jimin and her broke up? She became distant so it's a strange thing to see him hanging out with his ex.

Are they back together again?

"Yeah... Anyways I came here because Lisa texted me to check on you."
Yoongi went to the other side of the bed and sat beside his best friend. He snatched Jimin's phone only for the reason that, his not paying attention at all then he saw something weird on Jimin's message box.

But before he can read the unanswered messages? Jimin snatched his phone back.

"Oh the pretty tall girl?"
Mina commented and Yoongi went back to reality.

"Yepp, that's Lisa."
He pointed at her, gesturing Mina that she got it right. Although his attention were still on his best friend who is surprisingly quiet up onto now.

"So, how's your sprained ankle? Is it that bad?"
Yoongi stared at Jimin but he is still looking at his phone.

Seriously, he needs to tell Lisa the truth or else he'll lose her.

"No, thank goodness it's not."
Mina was the one who answered his question because it looks like Jimin don't mind to not speak at all.

"Why did you sprained your ankle?"
Yoongi tried once again but Jimin only heaved a deep sigh and ran his fingers through his raven hair.

"This clumsy asshole was not focusing on the dance routine."
And for the second time, Mina was the one to answer it again. At least someone is still answering his question, Yoongi thought.

Jimin got that bad huh? Although he don't know if he's best friend is aware of it. He look so clueless when it's very obvious already.

"Why? Is it because of her?"
Yoongi asked. Jimin who heard this let out a sighed again and disheveled his hair.

He knows too well on whom Yoongi is talking about.

"Who's her? Lisa?"
Mina curiously asked.

Okay, this is getting very confusing. Was that why he lacked of focus on the practice earlier? Is it because of Lisa? Why?

Who is her in his life?

"I-I think I need to go and talk to her."
Jimin tried to stand up but Mina stopped him. Slowly getting what this is all about.

"You can't. You need to rest."
She firmly disagreed but Jimin glared at the girl.

"Then find her and bring her to me."
Yoongi who saw this shake his head in disbelief. He know Jimin when he started to like a girl. He can do crazy stuffs.

Of course, this is not the first or the second time to witnessed this behavior.

Mina too was well informed. She's the second girl in his life anyway.

But who's the first? Only two people knows but it's the least you expected to be.

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