Day 36 - 2L

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How can you erased the emotions you feel for someone? How can you make yourself numb by the pain that they're inflicting you? How can you undo it? How can you unloved a person that once became your source of happiness?

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How can you erased the emotions you feel for someone? How can you make yourself numb by the pain that they're inflicting you? How can you undo it? How can you unloved a person that once became your source of happiness?

It's hard. I even barely sleep at night.

Wanna know a secret? My feelings just grew deeper the moment he kissed me.

I thought I would hate him. I thought I was done being a fool for him. But I was wrong.

I saw him. Yes, Kim Taehyung while I was heading to find Park Jimin in their department building.

Our gazes locked and I felt the longing to wrap my arms around him and give him a bear hug, but I look away because that's the right thing to do.

I need to be brave from now on. I know he also wanted to reach out the moment he stopped from what he's doing just to look at me. But everything has changed now.

He already have her.

"Are you okay?"
I glance at my side and saw him reading a new book. I found Park Jimin here at the rooftop and I'm glad he's here with me.

"Am I that obvious?"
I bitterly laughed.

"It's not that."

"Then what?"

"You're always with me Lisa if you feel sad or alone."
He closed the book and put a hand over my head as he pat it gently.

"I'm sorry. Am I a burden now?"
I pout and he shook his head as he softly smiled at me.

"I didn't said that. I'm concern."
The tears build up in the corner of my eyes and I cast down my head so that he can't see it.

"Thank you. You're such a good friend, what did I do in my past life to deserve you?"
I whined and Park Jimin laughed at me.

"Maybe you also became a good friend to someone and the good karma just coming back to you..."

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