Day 28 - 4L

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"Bye, Jisoo

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"Bye, Jisoo. See you tomorrow okay?"
The shorter girl gave him a bear hug before letting him go outside the train because they already arrived at the nearest station in his apartment.

He waved at her for the last time before the door closes and the train started to move towards the next station.

Taehyung went out of the station and started to walk home not until someone familiar caught his attention.

She is busy talking on the phone and so she didn't notice that Taehyung is already walking closer to her behind.

"Where the hell are you seriously? You told me you'll fetch me here at the train station? I've been here for 30 minutes asshole!"
He almost chuckled at how cute she sounded while complaining at her stepbrother.

"No, I can't wait for another 30 minutes noob! I'll just walk home."
She hung up the phone with an annoyed huffed. Taehyung can't help but smile at himself and carefully he put his hands to cover her eyes.

"Guess who?"
He changed his voice as he bit his lower lip although he's already failing because Lisa can hear his soft giggles from behind.

All of a sudden his smile slowly dies and his grip loosened.

"You're expecting Jimin?"
Lisa turned around and saw Taehyung's disappointed face.

"Urgh? No, silly! It just that you're giggling and I thought it was him."
She laughed awkwardly.

"Why are you alone anyway?"

"I'm waiting for Kookie but it turns out he still has something to do at school."

"I see."

"Hey, I'm really sorry. I don't even know why I thought you were Jimin. His hands are way smaller than yours."
Lisa picked up his hands as she admires how long and slender his fingers are.

But the thought of Jimin's cute fluffy small hands made her smile.

"It's okay."
Taehyung said and softly pat Lisa's head like he always does to her before.

"Come on Lisa, let's get you home. It's getting dark already."
She nodded as they walked together side by side to the same apartment building.

The walk home is silent. No one ever dares to speak their minds and hearts. But little did they know, they are both reaching out to each other, wanting to ask the questions they are afraid to tell.

What if they'll ruin this building friendship again? Would they allow themselves to take that risk again?

Confused as it is. Deep in their hearts? They already know what they want.

Taehyung broke the silence. Head is still a mess but he's been slowly figuring things out and he wanted to make sure he will do the right decision this time.

She hummed as she was busy looking at her footsteps.

Taehyung protectively holds the ends of Lisa's sweater sleeve when they were about to cross the road. She stared at him with her big brown dolly eyes and she blinked when she realized that Taehyung doesn't trust her crossing the road just by herself.

Lisa finds it kinda funny and cute. But she's old enough for that.

"Taehyung, you can hold my hand instead."
Lisa offered her right hand to him and Taehyung looked at it with a frown.


"You can hold it pabo. I don't like being pulled with the hem of my shirt."
She giggled and Taehyung's face turned into a deep crimson.

She only laughed at him and intertwined their fingers together.

'Shit. It fits perfectly with mine.' Lisa shook her head from that silly thought.

"So? What is it?"
She changed the subject.

"What 'what'?"

"You called my name, stupid. Like you'll gonna ask me something."
Lisa laughed, and when she looked at him his head had bowed down and his ears were deeply in a shade of red.

How come The Great Kim Taehyung looked embarrassed beside her right now?

"Oh that. Yeah, I almost forgot."
He rubbed his nape and gave her a quick glance before looking straight ahead on the busy street.

She also did the same as they both focus on their surroundings. They were trying to ease the tension and awkwardness between them.

Taehyung didn't answer her that instant. Not until he noticed that they were near the apartment. It is now or never.

Besides, it's just a question and he's really curious. There's nothing wrong with that right?

He heaved a deep sigh and tried to look as calm as possible.

"Lisa.. If you will be given the chance to do the biggest mistake or the wrongest choice in your life, what would it be?"
He is looking ahead and his other hand was in his jeans pocket. Taehyung may seem unbothered by their hands clasped to one another but it felt comfortable and warm like he doesn't even want to let go.

Lisa pondered at his strange words.

"Are you sure that's your question?"
Her eyebrows furrowed and her lips made a cute pout.

He shrugged unmindfully.

Lisa stopped walking as she pulled Taehyung with her. If she ever had a darkest thought? It would be the words that will come out to her mouth right now.

She straightly looks at him and without a warning, Lisa embraces him. She put her arms on Taehyung's shoulder and hug him tightly.

"That would be making you mine while knowing she already has you."
She whispered in his ear and every word sounded like regrets.

Taehyung froze and strangely he felt his heart pound painfully under his ribcage.

At the back of his mind was the opposite of what she just said, because if he will be asked right now? Lisa's biggest mistake and her supposedly wrong choice is his right one.

"Damn it, Kim Taehyung. No matter what I do I won't be able to escape you."

"Me too, Lalisa."

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