Day 08 - 1L

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"YAAAHHH!!! Will you stop it?! Aishh you're so annoying!"

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"YAAAHHH!!! Will you stop it?! Aishh you're so annoying!"

"You're doing it wrong pabo-yah!"


Lisa puffed her cheeks in annoyance as she glared angrily at Jungkook who's also not in a good mood like her.

She tried to snatch the rolling pin from her brother's hand but Jungkook held it tightly.

"I said stop it!"
Lisa hissed.

"No! You're doing it wrong!!"
Jungkook hissed back. The brunette inhaled a shaky breath as she tried really hard not to kick someone's ass right now.

Her temper is running low.

"Jungkook! I'm really trying hard to make these gingerbread cookies! So, let it go!"
Lisa gathered all the sweetness she can find in her system even though she's losing control on her patience. With a fake smile, she firmly talked to Jungkook, but the latter wasn't buying any of that.

He is determined to not let the girl mess with the kitchen and the food.

"You're an awful baker Lisa! You would poison those people who'll eat these! So, let me handle it!"
He pulled the rolling pin from her hand but the girl pulled it back to her, and they started to play like tug of war.

"YAH! You're being an asshole right now!"
From those past months of being together, I think Lisa and Jungkook's ears grew immune with all their loud bickering and shouts.

Apparently, not for their parents.

"Oh my? What is this commotion? Aigoo, look at these mess, what happened to the kitchen hmm? Care to explain, children?"
And that's when Jungkook and Lisa became aware to their surroundings and was baffled to see all the mess they made in the kitchen.

Mrs. Manoban crossed her arms over her chest as she stomped her right foot, waiting for her children to explain the pile of christmas muddle.

"Well, it's his fault. Jungkook is being his bratty self and not let me borrow the kitchen for a while."
Lisa let go of the rolling pin and pushed her stepbrother away from her.

"It's because you're going to burn the place!"
Jungkook roared. Lisa who grew out of patience smack the head of her brother.

He yelled at her.

And she yelled back.

Mrs. Manoban can only shake her head. She cannot stop this two but lucky for her, she invited a guest. Mrs. Manoban cleared her throat but the two step siblings never stop shouting at each other, so the woman didn't have any choice but to let the guest in as she shout louder than the two.

That caught Jungkook's and Lisa's attention as they slowly halt from killing each other.

Taehyung greeted with a wave. The two siblings blinked at each other, as they looked at Mrs. Manoban with baffled expression.

"His mom and I will go Christmas shopping and they will also spend the Christmas eve with us. So I'll let you handle the kitchen and the decorations while we're out. And please? Try to not burn the whole place."
Lisa almost forgot that her mom and his mom are close friends. No wonder, she will allow them to join the dinner feast later.

"Oh, tell that to Lisa."
Jungkook wittily remarked that made Lisa snapped her head at her brother.

"Yah! I heard you!"
She shouted as she stepped on his left foot hard which made Jungkook yelp in pain.

"Why did you do that?! You brutal monkey!!"

"Because you're being your stupid self, ugly bunny!"

Mrs. Manoban sighed as she look at Taehyung, she now completely gave up with the stubbornness of her children.

"I'll leave the two to you. Be the peacemaker between the godzilla and the kingkong."
Taehyung laughed.

"I will, auntie."
With that, the woman left out the apartment and Taehyung chuckled under his breath when an idea came into his mind.

The latter walked his way to the kitchen and as he suddenly popped in between the arguing Lisa and Jungkook.

"Shall I separate the two of you?"
Taehyung smiled amusedly to them. His boxy smile is showing.

"What?! Go away, Kim."
Of course, Jungkook's temper is always on the loose.

"Now, that's not how you treat your guest, Jeon."
He smirked and snatched the rolling pin that Lisa and Jungkook has been fighting over.

The girl suddenly felt the intense tension between the two. She unknowingly stepped backwards. Uh oh.

To: Chaeyoung
If Santa really grants wishes, I'd like to have one special present for Christmas and that is to spend the whole holiday with you or maybe to simply see your smile again 😊.
Merry Merry Christmas, Chaeng.

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