Day 10 - F

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I stared at my reflection on the mirror as a gentle smile showed affectionally on my face

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I stared at my reflection on the mirror as a gentle smile showed affectionally on my face. Seeing the baby bump on my tummy makes my heart jump with so much joy. 

I slowly lift my hands as I carefully touch my stomach, the anticipation of seeing the little bean living inside me, made my eyes welled up as my heart constricted with pain.

Can I make it? Can we both make it?

I know if my parents know about this, they'll freak out but then again they can't force me into abortion because it is definitely not good with my health situation but nevertheless the baby is not also good with me, it will only endanger me more.

The only thing to do is risk.

Only two people knew about this and that would be my beloved partner and my newly found best friend, Lalisa.

Hoseok and I never planned this to happen, it just that we were so caught up in the moment and we ended up making love. I never regretted it though, and so was he. We love each other and that is the only thing that matters.

Suddenly, warm tears descended on the baby bump of my stomach. I didn't notice that I am crying, and my heart constricted with that familiar pain again.

"I'm sorry, Ellie. I don't think we can do this."
She's in me for three months now and as the time passes by I felt my body became weaker and weaker everyday.

The doctor said as well, my body cannot take pregnancy. Yet, I was stubborn to still believe in miracles.

I even bailed what my doctor said that I should take home rest but I insisted to still go to school. Lalisa needs me there, Hoseok is also there, I cannot make them worry. I needed to be strong for the people around me, even if it's just a front.

Because, I know in myself. I won't last long. Baby Ellie and I, won't last long.

How selfish of me. How unfair of me.

But, I'm not even afraid to die now. I am happy. It was like, I already accomplished my purpose.

I heard my brother called me from the outside.

"Chaeng? It's time for dinner."
He knocked on my door but I can't move my body, I don't have the strength to even move a single muscle. My heart is palpitating and I slowly find it hard to breathe.

The door opened and my lids went heavy as well as my body.

The next thing I knew was I suddenly pass out as I saw my brother rushed to me.



"Mom! Dad!! Noona!!! Chaeng fainted!!!"


The day that I was born my life has already been counted. Every ticking of the clock, always made my mom and dad nervous. They don't know when they gonna lose me, so when the doctor said that I can still live, they thanked the heavens for letting a little angel live.

For the mean time...

Because when I turned nine, That was the second time I was rushed into the hospital. I was playing hide and seek with my brother and my older sister when they saw me fall to the ground as I had a hard time breathing and I kept clutching my chest to somehow ease the unfamiliar pain that struck on my heart.

The doctor told my mom that I have a cardiovascular disease. Everything changed since then. My family became more cautious and careful with me, not allowing me to even break a little sweat.

They started to home schooled me but I insisted to go to a real school when I turned 13. I said to them that I want to experience life as a normal teenager like my oppa and unnie. Mom and dad were against of it at first but when they saw how stressed I've become, they let me.

Highschool, I never knew it will changed my life completely. No one knows about my sickness because I've hidden it. Once they knew, they will start to treat me differently and I don't want that to happen.

I gained friends, I surprisingly became popular and I even dated one of the hottest guy in school. It was perfect but there was still missing, that's when I noticed that I don't have any real friends.

But I met Lalisa. She was different from the others. A girl with a sad eyes. She is the most genuine person that I know, but her insecurities made her aloof with other people.

I had a hard time befriending her but the last time we talked. I knew I did the right thing.

I cringed when I smelled the familiar antiseptic smell of the hospital. I heard voices murmuring around me.

"She never said, she is pregnant."

"What should we do about that doc?"

"We know this is all gonna happen."

"Should we take the baby out?"

"What?! Are you guys crazy?! That's my little sister right there and she will never agree with that!"

"Hey, calm down lil bro."

"No, noona! Mom and dad just said the most insane thing right now!"

"Mrs. Park and Mr. Park, we cannot do anything about it now. The only advice that I can say is, spend more time with her from now on. We don't know when—"

"So you're saying you can't do anything to save my daughter?!!"

"I'm sorry."

In spite of the bad news, All I know is that I had the best time in my life, being with the people that I love.

I don't have any regrets, I am happy.

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