Day 11 - 6L

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Lisa ended up grocery shopping with Jimin

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Lisa ended up grocery shopping with Jimin. She kinda invited him to go with her and luckily the latter aren't busy at all so he agreed.

She was delighted when he nodded his head and open the door of the passenger seat for her. The ride only took 15 minutes towards the nearest supermarket and the only plan was to get the ingredients for the chocolate cake, but Lisa being the silly one she wanted to spend more time with Jimin, so she insisted to roam each rack of food, reasoning that she wanted to eat something but she doesn't know what it is.

Jimin being the patient one, he allowed her to leisurely search for the food she wanted to eat, Lisa will whine if she can't find any and Jimin will only chuckle at her adoringly, and the routine repeats itself for more thirty minutes, until the girl just gave up, sitting in the grocery cart.

"You know you are not allowed to do that right?"
Jimin warned but has a teasing smile on his face. It's not that he's complaining, in fact, he was amazed to see the brunette being playful right now.

"But, I'm exhausted Oppa."
She whined like a child, catching the attention of the people around them but the two couldn't care less. They are both busy in their own world to even realized that people have been staring at them already.

Not too long, Jimin moves the cart to the junk foods section and he started filling up the cart with random snacks, piling the foods on top of Lisa.

"Yah, Oppa hajima!"
She yelled but the latter turned deaf ears, ignoring the girl if she's getting louder and louder each passing minutes. However, the amused smile on their faces never left. Lisa throw some snacks on Jimin's face to get his attention as she laughed so hard when it hits on his forehead.

"I said stop it you're drowning me with junk foods!"
She's still laughing but Jimin only smirks at her and put some more.

"But doll, you said you're hungry right? I just don't want my baby to starve."
He crossed his arms as a mischievous smirk playing across his full pink lips. Lisa frowned, Park-freaking-Jimin is doing that again.

Does he know how painfully handsome he is when he does that?

"As much as I appreciated your thoughtfulness, my mochi. I don't have enough cash to buy all of this!"
Lisa tried to get up but all these junk-foods is disabling her to do it. She puffed a breath and acted annoyed at him.

"No worries, I'll buy it for you."

Sadly, Jimin ain't buying any of that, and to think it thoroughly? He may or may not have found it hilarious when suddenly he accidentally crashed the cart into a pyramid stack.

Lisa screamed so loud that the people around the area got freaked out. Jimin on the other hand, quickly went to her to help her get out from the messed they just (he) made.

Just so you know, Jimin is laughing his ass out loud that earned him a painful slapped on his arm from Lisa. He tried to muffle his laughter but he finds her really cute and very funny at the moment, that he even forgot that he's mourning today.

His mood changes in an instant when he's with her, Lisa is like a happy pill.

Well after the mess they made, staffs went to them with vexed faces as they kicked both Lisa and Jimin out the supermarket.

"Well, thanks to you I won't be having chocolate cake for dessert this dinner."

"You're welcome, doll."

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