Day 31 - 2L

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It was afternoon when I decided to go out and have a walk

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It was afternoon when I decided to go out and have a walk. Jungkook, Mom, and Stepdad went out to look for a great venue for their upcoming wedding. They asked me if I wanted to come but I declined saying, 'I need to have a rest.' which they quickly understand.

So here I am now at the little park near our apartment, stretching my arms and limbs. The weather is good today, it's not that too cold and the sunlight feels good on my skin.

I roamed my eyes and sighed when I saw the river just beside this little park. It is shimmering under that bright sunlight and it's beautiful, it makes you feel relaxed actually. After all those stressful days? This is the best place to put your mind into a temporary bliss of peace.

A small smile formed on my lips as I breathe the fresh air. This is called serenity. I always wonder why the people don't acknowledge this little park, it's solitude is becoming more and more precious.

Suddenly, I almost jolted on where I'm standing when I felt a soft fur touched my leg. I look down and saw a pretty white cat. My smile automatically shows up as I crouch down to pet the furry white being.

"Are you lost? Where's your owner baby?"
I asked the cat like it will give me answers so I look around but there's no one here in the park except me.

That's strange cause this cat has a collar on the neck so I am sure there's an owner.

I lift the cat and put him on my arms. Yes, it's a he. I pet his neck and he purrs. I felt my heart jump from it. Omg! I wanna have him!!!

And when he 'meows' I almost squeezed him from too much cuteness. I literally squealed and giggled when the cat rubbed his head on my arm and gave me small licks.

"Is Coco entertaining you?"
I turned around and surprisingly saw Taehyung who has a lazy smile on his lips then I look down at the cat. Is this his?

"Is this cat yours?"
I asked him and he slowly shook his head and stopped walking just in front of me. His hands are inside his pockets pants.

"That's Yoonjae's cat. He's been looking for it the whole morning."
He simply said. It's very unusual to see Taehyung here. He wore a black puma jacket and a white long-sleeve tee underneath. His hair is disheveled and a black jogging pants for his bottom.

"And you were helping him?"
I guessed since his white tee had a dirt on it and has a few little brown leaves on his hair.

If only I am not mad at him, maybe I'd laugh but unfortunately? I am.

He answered unsurely.

"I see..."
I handed him the cat and Taehyung carefully took it from me.

"Yoonjae buddy! Stop crying, your Lisa noona just found Coco!"
He turns around and started shouting at particularly no one. I lift my brows, a little bit confused for a second.

I don't see any Yoonjae here?

"Sorry, it's just that this cat is a birthday gift from his parents."
Taehyung looked back at me and smiled as he pets the head of the cat. I found myself gaping at how his smile went wider when the cat reciprocates his affection.

"That's sweet."
I don't even know if the compliment is for Yoonjae's parents or just simply for him.

Taehyung's deep voice is soft as his attention slowly went to me.

"Why are you here anyway?"
He asked curiously.

"Just having some fresh air."
I shrugged and said the first thing that came out from my mind.

After that, we became silent. Maybe because we don't have any idea of how to approach each other anymore...

Yoonjae came out from the bush and ran towards us with his little arms spread out. The cat wiggled on Taehyung's arms as it also jumps to his owner.

I look at the kid and he has dry muds on his face, knees and arms then I swift my gaze to Taehyung who also have muds on his shirt and face. Where did these two actually went?

"Come on, buddy. Let's get you clean up first before we head home."
Taehyung ushered the boy towards the small drinking fountain at the park.

Yoonjae gave me the cat and followed his hyung at the bubbler. I watched Taehyung washed the little boy's hands first and then he used his clean handkerchief to wipe the dirt on Yoonjae's cheeks, but of course, he dampened it first.

They were laughing and giggling when Taehyung playfully sprinkled some water on Yoonjae and the little boy squealed.

I should've looked away but I end up staring at them more. Their smile and laugh are so genuine that I can't help but be astonished.

And I knew at that moment? The genuineness that I had accidentally witnessed has triggered those heartstrings to be pulled.

I got lost in his smiles and forgot the pain for a while...

I didn't even notice that Taehyung is finished cleaning Yoonjae and the kid went to me to pick up Coco, his white cat.

"Let's go? Lisa how about you?"
Taehyung asked, and he unknowingly woke me up from my trance.

"I'll join you guys."
I stood up from where I seated and took his damp handkerchief on his hand.

He got startled a bit, but I ignored it and focus on the small mud on his cheek that he missed on wiping.

I put my hand on his other cheek and lean closer so that I can see it properly. I can feel that his not comfortable at all with our position but I didn't let that bother me.

I need to stand firm and not be swayed again with my emotions. I promised someone to be strong anyway.

"You missed a spot."
I said and wiped the last dirt on his face. I can feel Taehyung's gaze bore into me that I ended up staring at him back.

He clenched his jaw and gulped. The proximity between us makes him feel nervous and tense. So I smiled a little bit and pat his cheek.

"Come on, Tae. Let's get the two of you home."
I gave back the handkerchief to him and walked ahead of them.

Lalisa Manoban! What the hell are you thinking?! That was a very dangerous move, stupid.

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